

单词 hagiography
释义 hag·i·og·ra·phy 英ˌhægiːˈɒgrəfiː, ˌheɪdʒiː-美ˌhægiˈɑgrəfi, ˌhedʒi-AHDhăg'ē-ŏgʹrə-fē, hā'jē- 高COCA⁶⁰²⁹⁹BNC⁶⁷²¹⁶iWeb⁴⁷⁷⁷⁶
a biography that idealizes or idolizes the person especially a person who is a sainthagio-,神圣的,圣徒,-graph,写。引申词义吹捧性的传记。hagio-graphy照相⇒n.圣徒传⁴¹;圣徒言行录⁵⁹
用作名词Muchhagiographynow clusters around Caesar's early years,to the extent that you would think he had been marked out by his contemporaries as a genius ever since the cradle.现在很多圣徒传都集中描述凯撒的早年生活,以至于你会觉得他自从出生就一直被他同时代的人推崇为天才。 As a result, the Founding Fathers have been protected until recently by a school of biography that barely escaped from hagiography.
所以,最近公开的非圣徒记录的自传之前,建国者们一直受到人们的保护。 ecocn

In2001“An Italian Story”, a short hagiography of Mr Berlusconi, was distributed to15m homes.
2001年贝氏的一本简短自传“一个意大利的故事”被发给1500万家庭。 ecocn

The state-run media participated in grotesque displays of hagiography and helped produce a cult of personality around the president, whose portrait hung everywhere.
圣徒传记以畸形的方式展示,国际媒体也参与其中,同时促使国人形成了对总统的个人崇拜。 本·阿里的肖像遍布各处。 yeeyan

His impatience with fools was legendary, and the amount of hagiography now being ladled onto his life with abandon would undoubtedly set his teeth on edge.
他对笨人缺少耐心也是出了名的,现在那些大量关于他被是被遗弃的话题,毫不疑问也会让他不舒服。 yeeyan

There is a genre of literature that details the lives of saints, Hagiography, but that came later and is largely something we find in the Christian era.

Young Germans still grow up with the hagiography of the plotters, but few outsiders now know who they were.
年轻的德国人依旧听着这些暗杀人员的英雄事迹长大。但如今,外界鲜有人了解他们的身份。 ecocn




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