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HagglundBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 n.哈格隆德¹⁰⁰ “ Financial accounting knowledge will keep you out of jail, but you need strategy and communication skills in this age, ” Hagglund said. 财务会计方面的知识能让你自由发挥不受约束,可是这年头你更需要战略和交际手腕。 chinamobile Joran Hagglund, state secretary in the ministry of enterprise, said this week that GM had yet to present him with a business plan that would unlock the funding. 瑞典企业部的国务秘书 Joran Hagglund本周表示,通用已向其提交了或将启动资助资金的商业计划。 ecocn Two years ago, no IT manager in his right mind would tell a business stakeholder their data was in the cloud, Hagglund said. 两年之前,任何一个思维正常的 IT业的管理人员都不会告诉他的合作伙伴说他们在用云端储存数据。 chinamobile You can also ride an actual Antarctic snowmobile known as a Hagglund. 你可以乘搭闻名遐尔的“哈格鲁特”雪上汽车。 iciba |