

单词 Hagelstein
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“ It's a tradeoff. You either get high efficiency or high throughput,” says Hagelstein.
“这是一个折衷方案,你或者获得高效率,或者得到高通量,”哈格尔施泰因说。 yeeyan

But current commercial thermoelectric devices only achieve about one- tenth of that limit, Hagelstein says.
哈格尔施泰因说,目前商业上热转变电的设备只能达到这个极限的大约十分之一。 yeeyan

Hagelstein, an associate professor of electrical engineering at MIT, says existing solid-state devices to convert heat into electricity are not very efficient.
哈格尔施泰因是麻省理工学院电子工程专业的副教授。他说,现有的固态装置在把热能转换成电能时的效率不高。 yeeyan

Hagelstein, Wu and others started from scratch rather than trying to improve the performance of existing devices.
哈格尔施泰因和吴等人不是对现有设备进行改善,而是另起炉灶。 yeeyan

DiMatteo says he hopes eventually to commercialize Hagelstein's new idea.
迪马特奥说,他希望能最终把哈格尔施泰因的新设想商业化。 yeeyan




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