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hag 1 英hæg美hæg;英hæɡ美hæɡ ☆☆☆☆☆高八COCA³⁴¹⁸⁰BNC³³⁷¹⁶iWeb³¹¹³⁴ 基本英英词源搭配近义反义派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.老巫婆³⁷;丑老太婆⁶³复数hags名词haggishness;形容词haggish副词haggishly名词haggishness 魔法与传说
Noun: an ugly evil-looking old womaneellike cyclostome having a tongue with horny teeth in a round mouth surrounded by eight tentacles; feeds on dead or trapped fishes by boring into their bodies词源不详,原义为女巫,可能来自古英语haga,树篱,篱笆,围栏,词源同haw,hedge.因传说中女巫骑着树篱飞来飞去而得名,后引申词义丑老太婆。fag hag喜欢与同性恋男子厮混…Hag.Haggaipeat hag泥煤地night hag梦魇moss hag泥炭采后的废坑… 近义词 bag袋fury愤怒witch女巫hagfish丑鱼beldam老太婆crone满脸皱纹的丑老太婆…beldame老妇人尤指被认为丑陋的… Phagfishn.盲鳗Phagborna.女巫所生的Phagseedn.女巫的子女们Phaggisha.老妖似的女巫似的Phaggarda.憔悴的疲惫的n.野鹰Phagriddena.受折磨的受恶梦惊扰的困于恶梦的
名词100% 用作名词You must be insane, you ugly oldhag!你一定是疯了,你这又老又丑的老巫婆。 She gradually turns into an oldhag.她逐渐变成一个丑老太婆。noun.(biddy 同义词 Medusa,bag,battle-ax,beldam,biddy,crone,fishwife,fury,gorgon,harpy,harridan,jezebel,ogress,shrew,slattern,sorceress,termagant,virago,vixen,witch battle-axnoun harsh, domineering woman battleaxe,fishwife,fury,harpy,harridan,nag,scold,shrew,termagant,virago beldamnoun ugly woman crone,hag biddynoun fussy old woman battle-ax,beldam,crone,fishwife,fussbudget,fusspot,hag,old biddy,witch cronenoun old woman beldam,hag,ugly,woman harpynoun a shrewish woman Xanthippe,hag,nag,shrew,virago,vixen harridannoun nagger crone,hag,shrew,strumpet,virago,vixen,woman After accepting the hairy hag’s offer to help, the women watched in surprise as she repeatedly placed raw hemp fiber into her mouth and pulled out finished yarn. 女人们接受了这个长发巫婆的帮助,她们吃惊地看著苧不断地将麻线放入口中,然后拿出来的全都是纺好了的纱。 yeeyan The language in which the hag addressed them was a strange and barbarous Latin. 那个母夜叉对他们说话时所用的语言是一种古怪而不规范的拉丁语。 bab “ Go to the devil, you old hag, ” he half muttered as he stared round upon the scattered company. “见你的鬼去吧,你这个老母夜叉,”他盯着四周分散的人群,低声咕哝着。 xddhy An invisible hag's claw slammed down an upper floor window. 一只看不见的老妖婆的爪子使劲关上了楼上的窗户。163 As Jonathan goes about his apple- pressing, the plot unfurls in tiny incoming waves, revealing a wicked aunt, an old hag in rags, a family servant, and a cave hidden beneath a ha-ha. 当乔纳森开始榨苹果汁的时候,情节渐渐铺陈开来,引出了恶毒的阿姨,衣衫褴褛的女巫,家里的仆人,深埋地下的洞穴如此种种。 ecocn Hebrew legends equate the night hag with Adam's first wife, LilithMore about Lilith. 希伯来人将其归罪于“夜之魔女”莉莉斯 Lilith,也就是亚当的第一任妻子。 yeeyan In HAG, the hosts are grouped into many arrangement graphs, with these arrangement graphs assembled into a tree structure. 在该结构中,参与主机组合成多个排列图,每一个排列图中嵌入多个独立组播树; iciba Newfoundlanders know it as the“ Old Hag.” 纽芬兰人称其为“老巫婆”。 yeeyan Obviously, plastic surgery is no option for this hag! 显然,整容手术也拿这个巫婆没辙。 gd31 Ouni is a mountain hag with a mouth stretching from ear to ear and a thick coat of long, black hair covering her entire body. 苧是山间的巫婆,长著一张能触及两耳的大嘴,全身覆盖著浓密的黑色长毛。 yeeyan She gradually turns into an old hag. 她逐渐变成一个丑老太婆。 zftrans She is a sure- enough hag. 她是个地道的巫婆。 yculblog The drugs that can strengthen phagocyte function of MPS was selected by applying HAG inhibiting phagocyte function of MPS, using the test of clearance of carbon and immunofluorescence staining. 本文应用 HAG封闭小鼠 MPS吞噬功能,用碳廓清实验和组织免疫荧光染色筛选了增强单核-巨噬细胞系统吞噬功能的药物。 cnki The effect of the stochastic field on the degenerate four- wave mixing signal intensity hag been studied basing on the phase- diffusion model. 本文在相位扩散模型的基础上,研究了随机场对简并四波混频输出强度的影响。 cnki The free electron laser with a linearly polarized wiggler and axial guide field hag been studied. 本文研究的自由电子激光器具有线性摆动器及轴向引导磁场。 cnki Then, the wrinkled hag watching every portion you eat forces you to eat that vomit. 然后,这个看着你吃的有皱纹的丑陋的老太婆强迫你吃你吐的东西。 yeeyan This morning, the hag didn't shout anyway! Guess what happened then? 今天早晨,那老巫婆不知道什么原因,总之没有大喊大叫!猜猜怎么着? blog.sina.com.cn Wavelet analysis is a kind of available time- frequency analysis method, which hag upstanding localize peculiarity in both time field and frequency field. 小波分析是一种有效的时频分析方法,在时域和频域同时具有良好的局部化特性。 cnki When her life came to an end, she was a twisted and bitter old hag. 当她的生命走到尽头,她已经成为一个扭曲而充满仇恨的老鬼婆。 anetcity Wild wood should be well protect from excessive hag. 野生森林应该被保护以免过量砍伐。 foodmate You ugly hag, Why do you strike me! 你这个丑老太婆,凭什麽打我! fanhall.com |