

单词 haemophilia
释义 haemophilia 英hi:məuˈfiliə美ˌhiməˈfɪliə, -ˈfiljə ☆☆☆☆☆高八COCA²⁰¹⁷⁹⁷BNC⁴²⁸⁶³iWeb⁴⁶⁹¹⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

congenital tendency to uncontrolled bleeding; usually affects males and is transmitted from mother to sonhaemato-,血,血液,-philia,爱,词源同philosopher.用于指血友病。GRE难词记忆haemophilia→haemo=blood 血+phil=love爱, 喜欢+ia病症→爱出血且出血不止的病→血友病 haemo=blood血+phil-爱+ia病症→爱出血且出血不止的病⇒血友病近义词 hemophilia血友病bleeder's disease医 血友病
用作名词Ahaemophiliatsar cannot be far away.出现“血友病沙皇”也为期不远了。
Did you know that today, 17th April 2007, is World Haemophilia Day?你知道今天,2007年4月17日是世界血友病日吗? The medicines now under threat are for childcare, in the maternity departments, and for conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, haemophilia and thalassemia.
现在供应颇为紧张的是产科的儿童保育用药及癌症、癫痫、血友病、地中海贫血病用药。 noorislam

Blood products, such as those used by people with haemophilia, are now heat- treated to make them safe.
现在,血液制品,如血友病患者使用的血液制品,都要进过热处理以保证安全性。 yeeyan

Objective To analyze the data of diagnosis, symptom and joint deformity of childhood patients with haemophilia.
目的探讨血友病患儿确诊时间、症状及其关节畸形等情况。 cnki

Some diseases prominent within the European population that could see numbers drop as mixed-race grow are cystic fibrosis, coeliac disease, muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.
一些欧洲人种中显著的疾病很可能因为混血人种的增多而大大的减少,比如囊胞性纤维症,乳糜泄,肌肉萎缩症还有血友病。 kekenet

Some hospitals, like Great Ormond Street, already use them to help detect male babies that could have haemophilia.
一些像大欧蒙德街医院这样的医院,已经在使用这种血液检测来帮助诊断可能患有血友病的男性胎儿了。 yeeyan

The case followed complaints by families of some 170 people, many of them children, suffering from haemophilia and the blood disease thalassemia.
这个案件被170个人抱怨,他们的孩子,遭受血友病和血液疾病珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血的痛苦。 ausbio

This review focused on Haemophilia Bs mechanism and the new development of retrovirus vector used in the gene therapy of Haemophilis B.
本文介绍了血友病 B的发病机理以及以反转录病毒载体为工具进行血友病 B基因治疗的研究进展。 dictall




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