

单词 Hadlow
释义 HadlowBNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
n.哈德洛在新西兰;东经 171º11' 南纬 44º22'
In a letter to The Lancet,Hadlowlisted the parallels between kuru and scrapie, and posed a tantalizing question.在给lancet杂志的一封信中,哈德劳列出了厍鲁与Scrapie两者间的相似之处,还提出了一个撩人心扉的问题。
In a letter to The lancet,Hadlowlisted the parallels between kuru and scrapie, and posed a tantalizing question在给lancet杂志的一封信中,哈德劳列出了厍鲁与Scrapie两者间的相似之处,还提出了一个撩人心扉的问题。
Hadlownoticed that the vacuoles in Gajdusek's kuru brains resembled those he'd seen in sheep哈德劳发现,在加达塞克氏库鲁病脑中的空泡与他在羊中所见的空泡相像。
Gajdusek published several reports on kuru over the next couple of years, and one of them caught the attention of Dr. WilliamHadlow, a scrapie expert加达塞克在随后的两三年内发表了数篇有关库鲁的论文,其中一篇引起了scrapie病专家威廉·哈德劳的注意。




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