

单词 haddock
释义 had·dock 英ˈhædək美ˈhædəkAHDhădʹək ★☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴³⁴⁵⁷BNC²³⁷⁷³iWeb²⁸⁴⁴⁰
lean white flesh of fish similar to but smaller than cod; usually baked or poached or as fillets sauteed or friedimportant food fish on both sides of the Atlantic; related to cod but usually smaller词源不详。finnan熏鳕鱼
用作名词Yes. Haddock and chips for me, please.好,请给我来点儿黑线鳕和炸土豆片。
Young Atlantic cod andhaddockare usually split and boned for cooking.人们常常把大西洋小鳕鱼或黑线鳕去骨切片后烹调。
Haddock are usually baked, but sometimes are broiled with lots of butter.黑线鳕通常烘焙,但有时涂大量黄油后烧烤。 The menu ranges from starters like Smoked Haddock Brandade or Oriental Duck Salad to Paupiette of Salmon or Whole Bones Poussin for main courses, or straight burgers for the more down-to-earth diners.
餐馆提供的食物也很丰富,其中开胃菜包括烟熏鳕鱼奶酪和鸭肉沙拉,主菜则有三文鱼卷和全骨童子鸡,对于更“实际”的食客们来说,还有汉堡可供选择。 ebigear

The best fishermen returned for a second year in a row without their usual haul of cod and haddock, so the Icelandic government took radical action: they privatized the fish.
最好的渔夫连续几年捕不到他们往年数量的鳕鱼无奈而归,于是冰岛政府采取了激进的措施:他们把鱼私有化了。 yeeyan

The company is a big importer of cod and haddock, and is now a major buyer of tilapia, which it sells wholesale as well as under its Sea Cuisine brand.
该公司进口大批真鳕和黑线鳕,现在也是罗非鱼的主要买家,用于批发及旗下 Sea Cuisine品牌海鲜的销售。 yeeyan




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