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词汇 habit
释义 hab·it 英ˈhæbɪt美ˈhæbɪtAHDhăbʹĭt ★★★☆☆小初中高四六研I牛4TCOCA²⁹³⁶BNC³⁴⁴⁸iWeb²⁴⁵⁰Economist³²¹⁷


a tendency to behave in a particular way or do particular thing, especially regularly and repeatedly over a long period

an established custom;

it was their habit to dine at 7 every evening

psychology an automatic pattern of behavior in reaction to a specific situation; may be inherited or acquired through frequent repetition;

owls have nocturnal habits

she had a habit twirling the ends of her hair

long use had hardened him to it

a distinctive attire worn by a member of a religious orderthe general form or mode of growth especially of a plant or crystal;

a shrub of spreading habit

attire that is typically worn by a horseback rider especially a woman's attireexcessive use of drugs
put a habit on

❌ He has fallen into the habit to drink.

✔️ He has fallen into the habit of drinking.


❌ He has fallen into the habit to call at his brother's flat on Thursday evenings.

✔️ He has fallen into the habit of calling at his brother's flat on Thursday evenings.

habit后不能用动词不定式作定语,只能用“of n./v -ing”形式。


❌ It was a habit of Tom to put his hands in his trousers pockets.

✔️ It was a habit with Tom to put his hands in his trousers pockets.

句型It's a habit with sb to- v 为固定结构,其中with不可换为of。

habit, custom


1.custom指群体经过一段时期不断沿用而变成的习惯或惯例; habit指某个人反复地做某种动作,久而久之形成的自然习惯或习性,行动时不用思索。例如:

This custom is on the decline.这种风俗渐渐消失。
He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals.他有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯。


It is his custom to take a cold bath every morning.他每天早晨有洗冷水澡的习惯。
He has a habit of biting his lips when he is puzzled.他感到困惑时有咬嘴唇的习惯。habit, practice, usage




It was common usage for dried fish to be wrapped in newspaper.用报纸包干鱼是一种普遍应用的方法。


The newspaper alleged the mayor's corrupt practices.那家报纸断言市长有舞弊行为。
Armed with such a precept, a number of doctors may slip into deceptive practices.有了这样一条指导原则,一些医生可能渐渐习惯于采取骗人的做法。habit,practice,custom,convention




custom具有 habit 和 practice 的一切含义,此外,custom 还包含这样一层意思:长期而广泛采用的行为或方法,即风俗习惯,按照某地区人们共同生活及其行为的准则或规范,它不仅有指导意义,而且具有必须遵循的意义。


用作名词 n.
动词+~acquire a habit养成某种习惯become a habit成为习惯break a habit戒掉某种习惯build up habit养成习惯change one's habits改变习惯contract habit养成习惯correct a habit改正一种习惯cultivate habit养成习惯cure a habit纠正习惯destroy a habit破坏习惯develop a habit养成一种习惯discard habit戒除习惯drop a habit中止一种习惯establish a habit养成一种习惯fall into a habit养成一种习惯follow a habit遵守一种习惯form a habit形成一种习惯get rid of habit戒除习惯implant habit养成习惯inculcate habit养成习惯keep a habit保持一种习惯kick the habit戒掉嗜好maintain a habit保持一种习惯make a habit of形成…习惯,总做…overcome habit戒掉嗜好root up habit改掉习惯形容词+~abstemious habit饮食有度的习惯bad habit坏习惯correct habits合乎礼仪的习惯foreign habit异国风尚funny habit可笑的习惯general habit普通的习惯good habit好习惯luxurious habit奢侈的习性national habit民族风俗old habit老习惯personal habit个人习惯strange habit奇怪的习惯名词+~cigarette habit烟瘾dictionary habit查词典的习惯dress habit衣着习惯drinking habit纵酒恶习drug habit吸毒成癖living habits生活习惯reading habit读书癖smoking habit抽烟的习惯tea habit饮茶的习惯介词+~from habit出于习惯force of habit习惯势力out of habit出于习惯~+介词habit of…的习惯habit of mind性情habit of smoking吸烟的习惯habit of wild animals野兽的习性
用作名词 in the habit of

习惯于…,有…的习惯 have a tendency to behave in a particular way or do particular thing

be in the habit of v-ingAre you in the habit of rising early?你有早起的习惯吗?
It was impossible to discuss anything private over the telephone, as the operator was in the habit of listening in.在电话里不能谈私人的秘密,因为接线员有窃听电话的习惯。break the/one's habits

打破习惯 stop the habit

form the/one's habits

养成习惯 start a habit of

get into a/the habit

学会; 养成…习惯 learn or become accustomed to

make a habit of

做某事成了习惯 do regularly; develop the habit of

make a habit of v-ingHe made a habit of taking a nap after lunch.他养成了午饭后小睡的习惯。pick up some〔any〕 habits

染上…的习惯 acquire or obtain by chance, or unexpectedly

hab抓住,保持+it拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作名词后缀,表示行为完成后的结果→已经被抓住、保持不变的事物⇒习惯,习性,嗜好。非常记忆hab哈巴〖拼音〗+it它〖熟词〗⇒这条哈巴狗它习惯吃骨头词根记忆住一个地方=习惯了近义词 bentmodeusagecustomnatureaddictionconventionconstitution
用作名词n.Some of the things we do scarcely give a thought to; we just do them from habit.我们做某些事并非深思熟虑,而仅仅出于习惯。
After a few weeks of firm control, the teacher was able to relax his grip on the class, who continued to obey him out of habit.几周的严格管理后,这位老师终于放松了对这个班学生的控制,因为他们已习惯于服从他的管教了。
The habit is easily acquired but broken up with difficulty.这种习惯养成容易,摒弃难。
The habit carries over from my childhood.这一习惯从我小时候起就一直保持下来。
Now, not enough is being done to educate smokers about the benefits of stopping the habit.在教育吸烟者懂得戒烟的好处方面目前还做得不够。
Relatives should try to persuade smokers to kick the habit.亲属们应设法说服吸烟者戒烟。
Since theft has become his habit, he should be confined.偷盗既然成了他的习惯,就该把他关起来。
I declared war against the bad habits.我决心与坏习惯作斗争。
We must civilize away the boy's bad habits.我们必须教育这孩子使其改掉恶习。
He binds over to give up his bad habits.他发誓放弃坏习惯。
He has grown out of the bad habits of his boyhood days.他已长大了,戒除了儿时的不良习惯。
It is difficult to adjust one's habits to someone else.一个人很难使自己的习惯适于他人。
His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife.他的爱好跟习惯恰好和他的妻子相同。
They often give talks, advising children to acquire hygienic habits.他们常常作报告,让孩子们养成良好的卫生习惯。
She was a young lady in a close-fitting habit.她是一个穿着紧身骑装的年轻女子。
The nun wears her own special habit.那修女穿着自己独特的服装。
His wife is already off the habit.他妻子已戒去毒瘾。
John has always been trying to keep up a cheerful habit of mind.约翰努力保持一种欢乐的性情。
Resistance is a natural habit of men who have been oppressed.反抗是被压迫者的天性。
It is a good habit to eat slowly.细嚼慢咽是个好习惯。
He made it a habit to take a walk after lunch.他每次午饭后总要去散散步。~+of n./v -ingThe habit of obedience was burned into me as a child.我从小就养成了顺从的习惯。
We can't expect one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short time.我们不能期望一个人一辈子养成的习惯短时期就能改变。
In a new job, one should fling off old habits of thought.干一项新的工作就应该摆脱旧的思维习惯。
He has laid aside the habit of smoking.他已戒除抽烟的习惯。
It pays to study the events of the past, since history has a habit of repeating itself.研究过去的事件是有益处的,因为历史往往会重演。
He has a habit of biting his lips when he is puzzled.他感到困惑时有咬嘴唇的习惯。Phabit-forminga.易成习惯性的易上瘾的




habit后的定语可用“of v -ing”形式,但不可用to- v 。注意当句中有it充当形式主语或宾语,而以动词不定式作真正的主语或宾语时,该动词不定式可以置于补语habit之后。

用作名词He is in thehabitof rising early.他有早起的习惯。
I have to bear with his badhabit.我不得不忍受他的坏习惯。
My colleague has broken off thehabitof smoking.我的同事已经戒掉了吸烟的习惯。
He has ahabitof sunbathe for two hours a day.他习惯每天做两小时日光浴。
The honeysuckle has a twininghabit.忍冬有盘绕的习性。noun.tendency, practice
同义词 custom,manner,mode,nature,obsession,pattern,quirk,routine,style,thing,usageaddiction,bent,bias,constitution,consuetude,convention,dependence,disposition,fashion,fixation,gravitation,groove,habitude,impulsion,inclination,makeup,mannerism,penchant,persuasion,praxis,predisposition,proclivity,proneness,propensity,rule,rut,set,susceptibility,turn,use,way,weakness,wontassuetude,fixed attitude,frame of mind,hangup,second nature
反义词 disinclination,dislike,hatenoun.dress, clothing, often for a particular purpose
同义词 apparel,costume,garb,garment,habiliment,robe,vestmentriding clothes
apparelnoun clothing;covering
attirenoun clothing
accoutrements,apparel,array,bib and tucker,clothes,costume,drapes,dress,duds,garb,garments,gear,getup,habiliments,habit,outfit,raiment,things,threads,togs,uniform,vestment,wear
bib and tuckernoun clothing
Sunday best,apparel,clothes,costume,garments,habit,outfit,regalia
buildnoun physical structure, form
characternoun individuality
appearance,aspect,attribute,badge,bent,caliber,cast,complex,complexion,constitution,crasis,disposition,emotions,estimation,ethos,frame,frame of mind,genius,grain,habit,humor,kind,makeup,mettle,mood,morale,mystique,nature,personality,quality,record,reputation,repute,sense,set,shape,singularity,sort,specialty,spirit,standing,streak,style,temper,temperament,tone,trait,turn,type,vein
clotheverb cover with apparel
accouter,apparel,array,attire,bedizen,bedrape,breech,bundle up,caparison,cloak,coat,costume,dandify,deck,disguise,dizen,do up,drape,dress,dress up,dud,endow,endue,enwrap,equip,fit,fit out,garb,gown,guise,habilitate,habit,invest,jacket,livery,mantle,outfit,primp,raiment,rig,robe,spruce,suit up,swaddle,swathe,tog,turn out,vest All students pick up unit testing, but not all of them get into the habit of writing tests for everything.
所有学生都参与单元测试,但并不是所有人都养成了记录任何测试情况的习惯。 ibm

All this because of a simple habit that almost all of us practice.
所有这一切是因为一个简单的习惯,几乎我们所有人都有的习惯。 yeeyan

Before you start your habit change, think through your motivations.
在开始改变你的习惯前,好好想想你的动机。 yeeyan

Do you have an expensive shoe or gadget habit?
你有买很贵的鞋子或者小玩意的习惯吗? iciba

Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
因而,优秀不是一种行为,而是一种习惯。 yeeyan

Excellence is not an act but a habit.
优秀不是一种行为而是一个习惯。 hjenglish

For example, we say, “ I love you” to our parents or significant other when we hang up the phone, not because we mean it, but out of habit.
比方说,我们会在电话里和父母或者某个重要的人说“我爱你”,并不因为我们真的想这么说,而是因为习惯。 yeeyan

Have you built the habit of exercising?
你是否养成锻炼身体的习惯? yeeyan

He found it hard to break the cigarette habit.

He has no habit of smoking.

He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals.
他有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯。 gzu521

I have written more about this habit here.
在这里我已经写了更多关于这个习惯。 yeeyan

Identify all of them, for each habit.
要找到每个习惯的所有诱因。 yeeyan

If I was to get a habit as you call it of walking on the ceiling, like the flies, I should hear enough of it, I daresay.
如果我得了一个像你所说的习惯,像苍蝇一样在天花板上走来走去,那么我想我对这就会听够了。 kekenet

If one of your goals is to write a book, a simple daily habit would be to work on your book for at least one hour per day.
假如你的目标当中有一个是写一本书,那么你为了写这本书就要有一个简单的日常习惯,至少是每天写一个小时。 yeeyan

If you want to write a novel, create the habit of writing each morning.
如果你想写一部小说,那就先养成每天早晨写作的习惯。 yeeyan

It taught me how to change habits— and then I could apply that knowledge to the next habit change.
它教会我如何改变习惯——而在这之后我又能将这儿学到的知识应用于下一次改变习惯。 yeeyan

Love must become your lifestyle, the habit of your life.
爱必须成为你的生活方式,你生活的习惯。 yeeyan

Once you have that habit, the book will come.
一旦你养成了这个习惯,书就会写出来的。 yeeyan

The man is always poking about in the office, and that is a bad habit.

The habit carries over from my childhood.

This is why forming an exercise habit is so critical.
这就是为什么养成锻炼的习惯是很关键的。 yeeyan

Too often we do things out of habit and not because it’s something we absolutely love doing.
很多时候,我们做一件事情,不是因为我们真的喜欢做,而是因为我们习惯去做。 yeeyan

We are creatures of habit, and our sleep is no exception.
我们是具有习惯的生物,我们的睡眠也不例外。 yeeyan

You now depend on this habit for comfort, happiness, freedom from boredom, and as a stress reliever.
你现在依赖这个习惯从无聊中寻求舒适、幸福、自由,做一个压力释放者。 yeeyan




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