

单词 Haber
释义 Ha·ber 英ˈhɑːbə美ˈhɑbɚAHDhäʹbər COCA⁵⁰⁸⁹⁴BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺

German chemist noted for the synthetic production of ammonia from the nitrogen in air 1868-1934Elifson, Richard P.Runyon, and AudreyHaber.书名 :Fundamentals of social statistics /Kirk W. And the Born- Haber Cycle allows you to see what the relative values of the different energy components are.
波恩哈伯循环能使我们,看看不同能量成分,相对值是多少。 v.163.com

And this was put up by two people, Max Born and Fritz Haber.
这个是由2个人提出的,马克思,伯恩以及,弗里茨,哈贝。 v.163.com

Fritz Haber was a German chemist whose work encapsulates both the wonder and the horror which science can uncover.
弗里茨·哈勃是德国化学家,其从事的研究工作充分展现了科学本身具有的怀疑精神和危险因素。 yeeyan

Haber We'd still be waiting here for Mr. Haber to produce his first mole of amine, if you were doing it, or ammonia if we were doing it at room temperature.
我们现在或许仍再等待,制造出第一摩尔的氨如果你一直在等,如果这个反应在室温进行。 open.163.com

Due to the discovery of a technique to mass- produce ammonia, called the Haber process, an estimated two billion people are not starving today.
由于一种被称作哈伯制氨法的可以大规模制造氨的技术被发现,让世界上二十亿人口不再每天挨饿。 yeeyan

It's just so slow. Thus, not at all practical We're not going to run the world on room temperature Haber process.
它非常得慢,所以根本不实用,我们不可能在室温,下进行 Haber反应。 open.163.com

Knowing that natural processes would not improve the supply, they invented an artificial one, the Haber process, that could mak desired up the difference.
当了解到自然的过程不会提高氮的供应后,人们发明了人工固氮的方法,即哈伯的工艺路线 Haber,这弥补了氮的不足。 ecocn

Mr. Haber from Sony said that the company was working on developing all of these features.
索尼的哈勃先生说:公司正在为开发所有这些特性而努力。 yeeyan

One of these comes from making fertilisers, using the Haber- Bosch process which converts nitrogen gas into ammonia.
其中一种是通过将氮气转换成氨气的 Haber- Bosch工序来制造肥料。 ecocn

So that is why this is called the Born- Haber Cycle.
这就是为什么这个称为玻恩-哈伯循环。 v.163.com

So today, there are a hundred million tons of fertilizer, of nitrogen fertilizer made, using, Haber It's a huge, huge, commodity.
所以现在,才有成百上千万吨的化肥,氮基化肥,是利用,反应,essentially,,the, Haber,process。,它是非常非常大的商品。 open.163.com

That is the value of Born- Haber.
这就是波恩哈伯循环的意义。 v.163.com

That is the Born- Haber Cycle.
这就是波恩哈伯循环。 v.163.com

The Haber process.
哈伯过程。 open.163.com

This“ electrophoretic” technology has several advantages, says Steve Haber, president of Sony's digital reading division.
索尼公司数字阅读部的斯蒂夫•哈伯称,该“电泳”技术有几个优点。 ecocn

This is Haber. He got the Nobel in1918.
这是哈伯,他于1918年获得诺贝尔奖。 v.163.com

Haber lends his name to a process for the industrial synthesis of ammonia, an important component of fertilizer in modern agriculture.
在现代农业的重要基础尿素的生产过程中,其中工业合成氨的重要工序就是以哈勃命名的。 yeeyan

Haber said the lab worked on24 wax cylinders relating to London that are owned by the state and by private collectors.
哈伯说实验室正在处理二十四个与伦敦有关的蜡筒,有的为政府拥有,有的为私人收藏。 yeeyan

Haber's work helped the development of cyanide gas, used by the Nazis for some of the worst atrocities in human history.
这项研究直接导致后来氰化毒气的发明,并随即被纳粹分子利用,酿成人类历史的灾难。 yeeyan




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