

单词 Gyanendra
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For19 days, Nepalese police have clashed with pro- democracy demonstrators demanding King Gyanendra relinquish the absolute power he seized more than14 months ago.
尼泊尔警方过去19天来与民主示威者发生冲突.示威者要求国王贾南德拉放弃14个多月前攫取的绝对权力。 ept-cn.com

Few modern monarchs have blundered so royally as Nepal's incumbent, King Gyanendra, who seized absolute power in2005 and was forced by mass protests to return it the following year.
没有哪个现代的君主会犯尼泊尔君主那样的大错。贾南德拉国王在2005年夺取了国家的政权,但是在大规模的抗议中,被迫于次年交还了权力。 ecocn

His many faults as a leader earned him the loathing of many Nepalis and spread disillusion with electoral democracy itself. Capitalising on this, King Gyanendra restored absolute monarchy in 2005.
他执政时的诸多过失招来许多尼泊尔人对他的憎恨, 也使人民对选举民主本身的幻想破灭.2005年,国王贾南德拉借机重新恢复了绝对君主制. ecocn




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