释义 |
Gut microbiota 基本例句 肠道微生物 Eventually, an individual'sgut microbiotabecomes as unique as a fingerprint.最终每个人体内的微生物种类变得像指纹一样独特。 What's indigestible to you is a seven-course meal to yourgut microbiota.没有被消化的食物对你的消化道微生物来说是一道大餐。 These observations support the hypothesis of functional redundancy in the humangut microbiota.雷尔曼和德特雷福森希望,焦磷酸测序法进一步用于评估抗生素对肠道有益菌和人体健康的影响。 This review discussed the possible role ofgut microbiotain the development of metabolic syndrome.本综述旨在探讨肠道正常菌群与代谢综合征的关系。 The early work on ourgut microbiotais challenging our notion of what it means to be human.消化道微生物从拉丁语中不严格的被翻译成“微小的有生命的物质群落”早期的研究挑战我们的观点:这些微生物对人类来说意义何在? The humangut microbiotaperforms functions that are not encoded in our Homo sapiens genome, including the processing of otherwise undigestible dietary polysaccharides.人体的肠道中微生物可以执行一些不用基因组编码的功能,包括分解不能消化的膳食多聚糖。 |