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词汇 Gurney flap
释义 Gurney flap
A saw-tooth profile to theGurney flapadds downforce, but also helps in detaching the airflow as it leaves the exit profile of the flap.一个锯齿形的剖面附在尾翼的床轮処红色箭头処来增加下压力,也帮助在关闭尾翼的剖面的同时分离气流。
It features a squared inlet and a vertical fin , and on Friday afternoon the team ran a small gurney flap on the winglet on top of the duct.它具有一个方形的进气口1和一个垂直翼面2,在周五下午车队在通风导管顶部的小翼上增加了一个小的古奈扰流板3。
Force and PIV local flow measurements were conducted in a low speed wind tunnel to study the effectiveness of serratedGurney flapat different deflections.用低速风洞测力试验和襟翼处绕流的PIV测量试验研究锯齿形格尼襟翼在不同偏角下的增升效益.
Finally of note is the new rear spoiler, which has been moved forward to actually decrease rear downforce, but reclaims some of it by way of a “Gurney flap” built in to the top of the wing.最后值得注意的是,新的后扰流板,这是向前迈进,以实际减少后方的下压力,但重新夺回一些它由一个“格尔尼皮瓣”建于顶端的机翼。
An investigation of increasing lift on large transport by usingGurney flappositioned at the trailing-edge格尼襟翼对某运输机翼型的增升试验研究




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