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词汇 guo xuebo
释义 guo xuebo
Guo Xuebo was born in Qure Banner on Inner Mongolia's Horqin Sands in 1948.郭雪波,1948年生于内蒙古库伦旗,这里处于科尔沁沙地。
Guo Xuebo's father is a carpenter and balladeer who talks and sings in Mongolian. People would often gather around to listen to the stories his father told.郭雪波的父亲是木匠,也是用蒙古语说唱的民间艺人,因此他也有机会了解到许多家乡的人和事。
Most of Guo Xuebo's other fiction works are also tragedies caused not so much by the desert or any mysterious force as by man himself. They impart, therefore, a profound and serious message for mankind.在郭雪波其他小说中也大多是悲剧性的。 这些悲剧不仅是沙漠等大自然神秘力量所造成的,显然,它们更多的是人自己造成的,因此它们给人的启示和教训也就更为严重和深刻。
Born in 1948, in Inner Mongolia, Guo Xuebo graduated from the Department of Dramatic Literature of the Central Academy of Drama in 1980. His first short story was published in 1965.郭雪波,1948年生于内蒙古,1980年毕业于中央戏剧学院戏剧系,1965年发表作品。
But Guo Xuebo's tragedies are a clear cut above ordinary tragedies. There is much to meditate upon in his fiction, which inspire rage, respect or admiration for the strength of ordinary men and women.不过,郭雪波小说的悲剧不同于一般的悲剧,我们读了他的小说,常常为它们严肃的内涵陷入沉思,或为丑恶义愤填膺,或为平凡而又坚强的人物钦佩不已。




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