

单词 gulp down
释义 gulp down★☆☆☆☆高短语³⁸²³⁸
Caps are not entirely unreasonable. After all, people who gulp down vast draughts of bandwidth might be expected to pay more than less grasping users.
这种制度不是完全没有道理,毕竟那些耗用大量带宽的用户能够预计到他们比耗用少量带宽的用户要付更多的费用。 ecocn

To gulp down; swallow greedily.
大口而快速地吞咽或喝。 hotdic

Don't gulp down your alcohol when making a toast.
在祝酒的时候,记得不要大口干。 yeeyan

It took us five minutes to gulp down the cheap, noxious food.
大家用了五分钟时间把这些廉价的、有损健康的食物填进肚子里。 dict

To the other five countries have been the state of Qin, and gulp down11, he would hurry up and send troops to keep the western borders.
到了其他五国一一被秦国并吞掉,他才着急起来,派兵去守西面的边界。 tianya




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