

单词 gulp
释义 gulp 英gʌlp美gʌlpAHDgŭlp ★☆☆☆☆高四GT宝八COCA¹⁶²⁴⁹BNC²²⁹⁰²iWeb²⁰⁶⁶⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

vi. 呛

make a sudden swallowing movement as if surprised or nervous

vt. 吞食

swallow food or drink quickly or greedily

a large and hurried swallow;

he finished it at a single gulp

a spasmodic reflex of the throat made as if in swallowing
to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught;

The men gulped down their beers

utter or make a noise, as when swallowing too quickly;

He gulped for help after choking on a big piece of meat

来自PIE*gwele, 吞食,拟声词,词源同glut, gluttony.
用作动词 v.
~+副词gulp disgustingly厌恶地吞食gulp eagerly急切地吞食gulp hungrily饥饿地吞食gulp down吞下
gulp back v.+adv.

控制,抑制眼泪( hold back; control tears)

gulp down v.+adv.

吞吃,吞下 swallow (food or liquid quickly and in quantity, rather rudely)

gulp sth ⇔ downLate for work again,Jim gulped down a cup of coffee, with no time for anything to eat.又要迟到了,吉姆猛饮一杯咖啡,顾不上吃点东西。
Don't gulp your food down, it's both rude and bad for your stomach.别狼吞虎咽,那样既粗鲁又伤胃。GRE红宝书象声词读: 搞破-总是gulp容易把肚皮搞破.
gasp喘气,气喘吁吁吞食得直喘气;音形意近于gobble 大口吞下;scallop 扇贝,吃扇贝吞食的样子;gull + 音:破海鸥破水而入,吃海里的鱼→吞食
GRE难词记忆gulp→plug n.电插头→电插座吞下电插头发音记忆搞破 → 总是gulp容易把肚皮搞破发音记忆搞破 ⇒ 总是gulp容易把肚皮搞破近义词 eat吃drink喝swig大喝gasp喘气down向下draft草稿gorge峡谷choke窒息guzzle狂饮devour吞食breath呼吸swallow燕子draught通风breathe呼吸repress抑制mouthful一口knock back喝下gobble狼吞虎咽toss down一口喝下quaff〈旧或修辞〉一口气喝干…gulping动词gulp的现在进行式…
S+~+AHe ate his food in such a hurry speed that he gulped.他吃得那么匆忙,呛住了。
He tried to speak, but gulped, and no words came.他想说话,可又哽住了,一个字也说不出来。
S+~+ n./pron.Don't gulp your food.吃东西不要狼吞虎咽。
He gulped water.他咕噜咕噜地喝水。
The fish rises every now and then to gulp air from the surface.那条鱼不时浮上来大口呼吸水面上的空气。



用作动词Hegulpedhis food.他狼吞虎咽地吃东西。
Shegulpednervously, as if the question bothered her.她紧张地咽了一下,似乎那问题把她难住了。
She crawled onto the river bank and lay theregulpingin air.她爬上河岸,躺在那里喘着大气。
You mustgulpback your vindictiveness你必须抑制住你的复仇心理。用作名词He downed the vodka in onegulp.他将伏特加酒一饮而尽。noun.swallow
同义词 draught,mouthfulchoke,gasp,swig,swill
反义词 nibbleverb.eat, drink fast
同义词 consume,gobble,guzzle,imbibe,inhale,quaff,swallow,swig,swillbelt,devour,dispatch,dispose,drop,englut,ingurgitate,pour,slop,slosh,stuff,wolfchoke down,chugalug,scarf down,take in,toss off,wolf down
反义词 nibble
boltverb eat very fast
consume,cram,devour,englut,gobble,gorge,guzzle,ingurgitate,inhale,slop,slosh,stuff,swallow whole,wolf
breathnoun respiration
breatheverb take air in and let out
draw in,exhale,expire,fan,gasp,gulp,inhale,insufflate,open the floodgates,pant,puff,respire,scent,sigh,sniff,snore,snort,use lungs,wheeze
chewverb grind with teeth
bite,champ,chaw,chomp,crunch,dispatch,feast upon,gnaw,gulp,gum,manducate,masticate,munch,nibble,rend,ruminate,scrunch
consumeverb eat, drink
Hoover,absorb,bolt,chow down,devour,down,eat up,feed,gobble,gorge,gulp,guzzle,ingest,ingurgitate,inhale,meal,mow,nibble,partake,polish off,punish,put away,put down,scarf,snack,stuff one's face,swallow,swill,take,toss down,wolf
devourverb swallow, consume
Hoover,absorb,annihilate,appreciate,be engrossed by,be preoccupied,bolt,bolt down,chow down,cram,delight in,destroy,dispatch,do compulsively,do voraciously,drink in,eat,enjoy,exhaust,feast on,feed on,gloat over,go through,gobble,gorge,gulp,guzzle,imbibe,ingest,inhale,partake of,pig out,polish off,ravage,rejoice in,relish,revel in,scarf down,spend,stuff,take,take in,use up,waste,wipe out,wolf,wolf down Anchoring themselves to blades of grass or fingers of coral with their tails, seahorses spend their time feeding on zooplankton; their gulp is among the fastest-known movements of all vertebrates.
海马常用尾巴将自己固定在水草或珊瑚枝上,以过往的浮游动物为食。他们是吞咽速度最快的脊椎动物之一。 ecocn

Both daughters passed the test by one point on their first try— a result recounted with pride and excitement to a mother who could react only with a terrified gulp.
两个大女儿第一次试驾就凭一分之差通过了测试——这一结果给我这个做母亲的带来了骄傲和兴奋,那种反映就像受到惊吓而一口咽下嘴里的食物似的。 yeeyan




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