

单词 amusement parks
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名词 amusement park:
a commercially operated park with stalls and shows for amusementChildren loveamusement parksvery much.孩子非常喜欢游乐园。
We had lots of fun at the Amusement Park today.我们今天在游乐园玩得很高兴。 In Vegas, all hotels and wedding chapels are booked solid on this day. Even Six Flags Amusement Parks and Wal-Mart will host weddings.
这一天大西洋赌城的酒店和婚礼教堂已经全数定满。连六旗游乐场和沃尓玛都成了婚礼场地。 tianya

The current parking lot design for large amusement parks in China lacks of solid specifications and effective guidelines derived from practical experience.
我国大型游乐场所停车场规划设计缺乏科学、有效的规范指导及实践经验。 chinautc

A time of great amusement parks and world's fairs. His father used to talk about a place in Coney called Steeplechase.
一个伟大的游乐园与世界博览的年代。他的父亲经常讲着关于那个科尼岛上一个叫马术障碍赛的地方。 dashuye

Do you like to go to parks or amusement parks?
你喜欢去公园还是游乐园? vip.book.sina.com.cn

Many amusement parks will close.
许多游乐园将关闭。 macd

Targeted at not only children but also young working singles, many amusement parks are pushing thrills.
很多游乐园推出的惊险项目不仅以儿童为目标,还瞄准了已有工作的年青单身族。 jukuu

The above are large classic amusement games advanced in China and matching the level of foreign amusement parks.
以上项目多为与国际游乐园接轨的大型游乐项目,也是本园的经典项目国内领先。 bbs.sh.liba.com

Twenty-two years ago, state lawmakers swore fealty not to king or queen but to amusement parks and tourism.
22年前,州议员宣誓不效忠于国王或王后,而要效忠于游乐园与旅游业。 yeeyan

We eat lunch in Louisville, Kentucky, and then we go to amusement parks.
我们在肯德基吃午饭,然后我们去游乐园。 tingvoa

You can easily spend a few days inside the amusement parks around Los Angeles.
在洛杉机的主题公园游乐园里,很容易便让你玩上几天。 nihaoblog




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