

单词 amused
释义 amused 英ə'mjuːzd美ə'mjuzd ★☆☆☆☆高牛ICOCA¹³¹⁰³BNC⁸⁵³¹iWeb¹⁸⁶⁴⁶Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

pleasantly occupied;

We are not amused

amuS,-ed如|被…的⇒adj.愉快的³⁷;顽皮的³²;被逗乐的²⁶;觉得好笑的近义词 laughing笑smiling微笑的diverted转移的tickled动词tickle的过去式…entertained动词entertain的…pleased高兴的,开心的,乐意的…

用作形容词There was anamusedlook on the President's face.总统面带愉悦的神情。
She has anamusedtwinkle in her eyes.她高兴得双目熠熠发亮。
Children areamusedwith toys and funny pictures.玩具和有趣的图片使孩子们很愉快。
She wore on her face anamusedlook.她脸上带着顽皮的神情。
The audience wasamusedby the performance.观众被这个表演逗乐了。
The children wereamusedat the story teller's jokes.孩子们被故事讲述者的笑话逗乐了。
She wasamusedto hear it.听了这话她感到很有趣。
Janet was notamused.珍妮特感到恼怒。
I wasamusedto find that he and I were born on the same day.我发现我和他同一天生日而感到有趣。adj.pleasantly occupied
同义词 entertaineddiverted
反义词 bored,depressed
divertedadjective deflected
averted,changed,entertained,preempted,rebudgeted,rechanneled,reclassified,redirected,sidetracked,taken away,taken over,turned aside,used
entertainedadjective diverted
amused,beguiled,charmed,cheered,delighted,engrossed,enjoying oneself,enthralled,entranced,exhilarated,happy,having fun,interested,occupied,pleased,relaxed,tickled,transported
tickled pinkadjective very pleased
amused,delighted,exhilarated,high as a kite,loving it,thrilled,tickled,tickled to death Carmen Elcira heard him sigh, but she saw, also, that he was amused.
卡门·艾尔茜拉听见他叹了口气,但也看到他被逗乐了。 yeeyan

Deborah Morse, the head teacher at Mr Frederick's high school, was not amused.
弗雷德里克所在高中的校长,黛博拉•莫尔斯丝毫没觉得这有什么滑稽好笑。 ecocn

“What are you laughing at?” Ignoring any aggressive intent, the answer is obvious: I am laughing because something you said amused me.
“你在笑什么?”忽略所有咄咄逼人的气焰,只有一个非常明显的答案,那就是:你说的东西太好笑了。 yeeyan

All the participants were amused by his solemn and sincere expression.
大家都被他郑重诚恳的表情逗乐了。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Already some say the internet has become a way of keeping the idle young amused.
有些人说互联网已经成为无所事事的年轻人娱乐消遣的方式。 ecocn

Bad move. Stalin was not amused, and had Mandelstamarrested and sentenced to exile in the Ural Mountains.
糟糕的举动。斯大林没有被逗乐,却逮捕并判决了曼德尔斯塔姆,将其流放到乌拉尔山脉地区。 yeeyan

Catherine amused herself with dancing to and fro before the door, while I tried all the large keys in succession.
我把所有的大钥匙一个一个地试着的时候,凯瑟琳就在门外跳来跳去的自己玩。 putclub.com

Having amused himself for some time with their curiosity, he finally explained.
他先拿她们的好奇心逗了一会儿乐,最后作了解释。 hjenglish

He was vastly amused to find himself an established master, and even considered out of date by younger artists.
他觉得非常好笑:自己已经成为公认的大师,而甚至被年轻一辈的艺术家认为已经有些过时了。 ebigear

Helen nodded in amused yet complete understanding.
海伦觉得好笑,却也点头表示完全理解。 ebigear

I don’t think the public paid much attention to the passport flap one way or the other, and I was kind of amused by the whole thing.
我并不认为公众怎么关注我的护照问题,整个事件让我觉得很好笑。 yeeyan

I think my earnestness amused him.
我想我当时那认真劲儿让他觉得好笑。 yeeyan

Ignoring any aggressive intent, the answer is obvious: I am laughing because something you said amused me.
忽略所有咄咄逼人的气焰,只有一个非常明显的答案,那就是:你说的东西太好笑了。 yeeyan

Money poured in on him, fame poured in on him; he flashed, comet- like, through the world of literature, and he was more amused than interested by the stir he was making.
金钱向他汩汩流来,荣誉向他滔滔而至,他像童星一样划过了文学的天空。他对自己引起的这番骚动的感觉与其说是有趣毋宁说是好笑。 ebigear

Mr Christie was not amused. But he had the last laugh last week, when voters rejected most of the budgets that New Jersey’s500- odd school districts offered as an alternative.
可克里斯蒂先生没有被逗乐,但当选民大部分拒绝接受一个关于新泽西州500多个学区可选择的预算时,他笑到了最后一周。 ecocn

Parkin was so surprised and amused that he overbalanced and fell from the ladder.
帕金又吃惊又好笑,失去平衡,从梯子上摔了下来。 kekenet

Stalin was not amused, and had Mandelstamarrested and sentenced to exile in the Ural Mountains.
斯大林没有被逗乐,却逮捕并判决了曼德尔斯塔姆,将其流放到乌拉尔山脉地区。 yeeyan

The children are very amused with the monkey.
孩子们觉得猴子特别好玩。 kekenet

The woman's determination amused him but he did not smile.
这个女人的决心使他觉得好笑,但他没笑。 yeeyan

When Ellen promised him a tour of Disneyland, he immediately imitated Donald Duck, which amused the audience.
当主持人Ellen答应带他去迪斯尼乐园玩时,他立即模仿起唐老鸭来,这也逗乐了现场的观众们。 iciba




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