释义 |
Amur sturgeon əˈmuəˈstə:dʒən 基本例句 黑龙江鲟 Out on the river, Chinese fishermen zip around in speedboats, looking for the giant but elusiveAmur sturgeon.河上随处可见乘坐快艇的中国渔民搜寻阿穆尔鲟鱼的身影,这种鱼身躯巨大,但却极难捕获。 IgM molecular weight ofAmur sturgeon, Chinese sturgeon and Huso sturgeon are 867KD, 896KD and 924KD respectively assayed by unreduced PAGE.通过PAGE的方法测定出:史氏鲟,中华鲟和达氏鳇IgM的相对分子量分别为867KD,896KD和924KD; Comparison of this study with other,the resting metabolic rate ofAmur sturgeonwas higher than that of other freshwater fish.此外,笔者还将本研究结果与其它相关研究结果进行了比较,发现施氏鲟的代谢率高于部分淡水鱼类,但该鱼白天与夜间的平均耗氧率差异不大,其代谢水平变化属于昼夜差异不明显类型。 The results show that Ig molecular weight ofAmur sturgeon,Chinese sturgeon and Huso sturgeon is 867 kD,896 kD and 924 kD respectively.PAGE及SDS-PAGE的结果显示:史氏鲟,中华鲟和达氏鳇IgM的相对分子量分别为867kD,896kD和924kD; The studies on gonad and sex control inAmur sturgeonare necessary for artificial propagation and breeding and hologynic production in the process of sturgeon cultivation.对施氏鲟性腺发育和性别控制的研究,是解决鲟鱼养殖过程中人工繁育和全雌化生产的基础和必要手段。 |