

单词 Amur
释义 A·mur ә'muә COCA¹⁰⁸⁸⁰⁵BNC⁶¹⁴⁸⁹

an Asian river between China and Russia; flows into the Sea of Okhotskamur grape山葡萄bark of amur corktree黄檗皮amur adonis冰凉花
近义词 Amur River阿穆尔河HeilongRiver 黑龙江旧译…Heilong JiangAmur River的异…
From here, there is a stunning view of theAmurriver and Russia.从这里眺望阿穆尔河和俄罗斯,映入眼帘的是一幕惊人的景象。
He looks arrogantly across theAmurtowards China, a telescope in his folded arms.他双臂交叉于胸前,手拿望远镜,傲慢的目光越过阿穆尔河,凝视着对岸的中国。 By the early19th century fantasies of an Amur breadbasket had revived.
19世纪早期,“黑龙江面包篮”的梦想又重新回来了。 ecocn

In time the Amur was being described as Russia's Mississippi, and the Amur basin made out to be a new California.
是时,黑龙江被描述为俄国的密西西比河,那里的土地被想象成新加利福尼亚。 ecocn

The survivors floated down the Amur, wintered at the river’s mouth and in the spring turned north into the Sea of Okhotsk.
幸存者顺黑龙江漂流而下;冬天到来,在河口处过冬;春天来临,向北进入鄂霍次克海。 ecocn

The US and China also saw eye to eye in 1969, when the Soviet Union and China looked close to going to war at the Amur River.
在1969年美国和中国同样心心相印,当时苏联和中国在黑龙江外媒均称阿穆尔河附近处于宣战边缘。 yeeyan

“ We may be witnessing an epidemic in the Amur tiger population,” Dale Miquelle, director for the Wildlife Conservation Society( WCS Russia Program, told the Guardian.
是野生生命保护协会 WCS俄罗斯项目的负责人,他对虎类保护者们说,“我们正在看到东北虎之间一场流行病的发生。” yeeyan

A couple of years later, under Reagan, US officials were reviewing Chinese People's Liberation Army troops on the Amur River.
几年后,在里根总统时期,一些美国官员视察了在黑龙江阿穆尔河的中国人民解放军的部队。 yeeyan

A pair of noisy Amur falcons nests in an oak on the escarpment.
一对叽喳乱叫的阿穆尔隼鹰在陡台的一棵橡树上面搭建了自己的巢。 ecocn

After the final storming of Albazino, Kangxi sent word that if Russia would withdraw from the Amur, China would open trade in furs and more.
在对阿尔巴济诺最后一次扫荡之后,康熙捎话说,如果俄国人从黑龙江撤出,中国愿意开放毛皮甚至更多商品的贸易。 ecocn

And so, today, the undeveloped Amur is a glorious exception to other rivers. The closer to the mouth, the more remote it feels.
于是,今天这条未开发的黑龙江相对其它河流来说是一个凸显的个案——越是接近入海口,给人的感觉越偏僻。 ecocn

But it was the Amur river, Muraviev insisted, on which Russia's manifest destiny flowed.
但是穆拉维耶夫却坚持认为,俄国的天命之脉流淌在黑龙江上。 ecocn

But quickly the Amur dream soured, and Muraviev’s star fell.
但阿穆尔之梦很快就破灭了,穆拉维耶夫之星陨落。 ecocn

Designed by Sukhoi and built by the company's Komsomolsk- on- Amur Aviation Plant, the T-50 prototype flew for47 minutes and landed on the plant's airfield.
该机由 Sukhoi设计,在 Komsomolsk- on- Amur公司的航空工厂制造, T-50原型机飞行了47分钟,在工厂的机场降落。 www.etiri.com.cn

From there, he floated down to the Amur’s mouth.
从那里起程,他们要一直漂流到阿穆尔河的入海口。 ecocn

Half the gang died. The survivors floated down the Amur, wintered at the river’s mouth and in the spring turned north into the Sea of Okhotsk.
团队中的半数人死去了,幸存者顺着黑龙江而下,在河口度过了冬天并于翌年春天转向北边来到了鄂霍次克海。 yeeyan

Just as Putin was arriving with a group of wildlife specialists to see a trapped Amur tiger, it escaped and ran towards a nearby camera crew, the country's main television station said.
据俄罗斯电视台报道,正当普京总理在野生动物专家的陪同下视察一只被捕获的阿穆尔河虎时,这只困兽突然挣脱枷锁,向近旁的一位随行摄影记者扑去。 hxen

On November6, the Russian president signed a decree on the construction of a new space center, to be named Vostochny, in the Amur Region.
2007年12月6日,俄罗斯总统普京签署文件同意在阿穆尔河地区建立一个新的太空中心,名为 Vostochny。 www.etiri.com.cn

People usually come here to bathe in clean waters of the Amur Bay.
人们通常来到这里,沐浴在阿穆尔海湾清澈的海水中。 yeeyan

Putin thanked Western researchers for being involved in programs to save the Amur tigers.
普京对参与西伯利亚虎保护项目的西方专家表示了感谢。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Russians just had to have the Amur. They launched a grab in 1854.
他们坚持俄国必须拥有这条河,1854年他们开始了抢夺。 yeeyan

Soon another argument was being made for the Amur.
不久,俄国人有了“黑龙江计划”的第二个理由。 ecocn

The Amur tiger, or white Siberian tiger, flirted with extinction in 1930, when numbers fell to roughly 20 remaining animals.
阿缪尔虎,也叫东北虎,在1930年的时候差点灭绝了,那时其数量急剧下降到只剩20只。 yeeyan

Their early overlords, the Mongols, ruling China as the Yuan dynasty, sailed to the Amur's mouth and crossed to Sakhalin.
他们早期的蒙古领主中国元代的统治者曾经顺流而下到达黑龙江的入海口,并且穿越到达了库页岛。 ecocn

This female Amur leopard cub was born at a zoo in Leipzig, Germany.
这只雌性阿穆尔豹出生于德国莱比锡的一间动物园。 yeeyan

Yesterday, cruising down the Amur, Captain Alexander Udenka pointed out to the Observer the border between China and Russia.
昨天,在阿穆尔河上,亚历山大·尤登科 Alexander Udenka船长向本报记者指出了中俄交界的位置。 yeeyan




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