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词汇 amundsen
释义 A·mund·sen 英ˈɑːməndsən, ˈɑːmʊn-美ˈɑməndsən, ˈɑmʊn-AHDäʹmənd-sən, äʹm‹n- 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
At that instant, Amundsen recalled later, “ I decided on my change of front—to turn to the right-about, and face to the South.”
后来阿蒙森回忆到,“听到消息的那一刻,我遍打算转变自己的前沿阵地——转向相反的方向,直面南极。” yeeyan

Every detail was considered with focused seriousness grounded in Amundsen's profound respect for the environment he now confronted.
阿蒙森对所即将遭遇之环境的深深敬意让这番事无巨细的准备工作带上了专注的严肃感。 yeeyan

Looking ahead at the journey was psychologically very frightening because while he had traveled in the footsteps of Shackleton, Scott and Amundsen, no one had ever attempted this journey.
只要事先想一想旅程,就会不寒而栗,因为他沿着沙克尔顿、斯科特和阿蒙森的足迹旅行时,没有人做过这种尝试。 nibiye

Since reading about it as a boy, Amundsen had been fascinated by Englishman John Franklin's disastrous search for the Northwest Passage.
阿蒙森从小就读这些方面的故事,他痴迷于英国人约翰·富兰克林对于“西北航道”的探索。 而那次探险损失惨重。 yeeyan

The Amundsen- Scott South Pole Station completes a dream begun more than a century ago.
阿蒙森—史考特南极研究站完成了一百多年前开始的梦想。 joyen

“ I don't call it an expedition. It's panic, ” Hjalmar Johansen, the most experienced polar explorer of the team, told Amundsen.
“这叫什么探险,太痛苦了” 西奥马尔·约翰森这位最有经验的极地探险家向阿蒙森说道。 yeeyan

“The North- West Passage was done, ” Amundsen wrote in his diary on August26,1905.
“西北航道”被征服了,1905年8月26日阿蒙森在日记中这样写到。 yeeyan

A century ago Scott lost and Amundsen won— partly because he knew when to turn back.
一百年前,罗伯特·弗尔肯·斯科特之所以失败而罗尔德·阿蒙森之所以能成功在一定程度上是由于阿蒙森知道何时退缩。 yeeyan

Although Amundsen continued his sea career, he also began planning for an Arctic venture.
阿蒙森在继续自己航海生涯的同时,便开始计划着自己的北极探险之旅。 yeeyan

As Amundsen reckoned, if he won the South Pole, fame as well as financing of future exploration would be secure.
正如阿蒙森所料,如果他们成功问鼎南极,不管是名誉还是将来探险的资金都能够得到保证。 yeeyan

Barber was aboard the Canadian research icebreaker Amundsen, checking on ice in the Beaufort Sea north of Alaska and Western Canada.
巴贝是搭乘加拿大考察专用的破冰船“阿孟森”,检查了在阿拉斯加州和加拿大西部的北面的波弗特海上的冰。 yeeyan

But when they reached the pole on Jan.17, their celebration was ruined by the black flags Amundsen and his team had placed there about five weeks earlier.
但当他们在1月17日到达极点时,他们的欢呼被五周前阿蒙森和他的团队插在此地的黑色旗帜彻底击碎。 yeeyan

Climate change is warming the Amundsen Sea, which is at the southernmargin of the Pacific Ocean.
太平洋南部的阿蒙森海域气候正在变暖。 yeeyan

Considered individually, only the Ross sea sector had a significant positive trend, while sea ice extent has actually decreased in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas.
个别来看,只有罗斯海区有显著的活动趋势,而在别林斯高晋海和阿蒙森海,海冰层实际上已经减少了。 yeeyan

In 2004, satellite observations showed that it had started to thin, and that ice was flowing into the Amundsen Sea25 per cent faster than it had30 years before.
2004年,卫星观察显示此冰川已经开始缩小,其流冰正漂入阿蒙森海,速度以比过去三十年快25%。 yeeyan

In October, while docked in Melbourne, Australia, Scott received a telegram from Amundsen informing him simply that he was“ proceeding to Antarctic.”
十月份,斯科特停靠在澳大利亚墨尔本,此时他收到了一份来自阿蒙森的电报,简简单单地写道他正“去往南极”。 yeeyan

It had just returned from an11- hour flight, which seemed to be the rule, over the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas.
它刚从一个11小时的飞行,这似乎是统治和阿蒙森的别林斯高晋海。 bugutang

Like other great explorers, Amundsen knew when to turn back.
像其他伟大的探险家一样,阿蒙森知道何时退缩。 yeeyan

Sophie Amundsen was on her way home from school. She had walked the first part of the way with Joanna.
苏菲.阿蒙森在放学回家的路上,她与乔安娜同行了前一段路,两人一路讨论着机器人。 yeeyan

When Scott's crew finally reached the South Pole on the78th day, they were greeted by a horrifying sight: a Norwegian flag that Amundsen had planted in the ice33 days before.
斯科特的小队最终在78天后到达了南极点,迎接他们的是一幅惊人的景象:挪威的国旗早在33天前就被阿蒙森插在了那里。 yeeyan

Amundsen may have come up with the idea after hearing stories of aboriginal hunters in Greenland eating their sled dogs in winter.
阿蒙德森或许想到这个主意之前,听说过格陵兰岛土著猎人冬天吃自己雪橇狗的故事。 yeeyan

Amundsen was keenly conscious of his rival, as his September12 diary entry shows.
正如阿蒙森9月12日的日记记录那样,他很清楚的意识到自己的对手是谁。 yeeyan

Amundsen was not the first European explorer to learn from indigenous people.
阿蒙森并不是第一位学习土著人的欧洲探险者。 yeeyan

Amundsen's greatness is not that he lacked such driving forces but that he mastered them— as his diary entries go on to show.
阿蒙森的伟大之处在于他并不是缺乏这种驱动力而是他能够掌控住他们——正如他那些重见天日的日记中写的那样。 yeeyan




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