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词汇 guess
释义 guess 英ges美gɛsAHDgĕs ★★★★☆小初中高研牛4COCA⁹²⁹BNC⁵⁵⁴⁵iWeb¹³⁰⁰Economist⁷⁰⁵²

vt. & vi. 猜

form an opinion or make a statement about sth without definite knowledge


an attempt to guess

a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidencean estimate based on little or no information
expect, believe, or suppose;

I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel

I thought to find her in a bad state

he didn't think to find her in the kitchen

I guess she is angry at me for standing her up

put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation;

I am guessing that the price of real estate will rise again

I cannot pretend to say that you are wrong

judge tentatively or form an estimate of quantities or time;

I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds

guess correctly; solve by guessing;

He guessed the right number of beans in the jar and won the prize


❌ I'm guessing that we are leaving now.

✔️ I guess that we are leaving now.


❌ They guessed riddles when I came in.

✔️ They were guessing riddles when I came in.


guess, guess at

guess和guess at都可表示“猜测”“猜”。其区别是:

1.guess at更强调“猜”的动作本身,含有“试猜一下”“猜猜看”的意思; 而guess无此含义。例如:

I can't even guess at her age.我甚至连她的年纪也猜不着。

2.当表示“猜中”时,通常用guess,而不用guess at。

guess, conjecture, surmise


guess指对某事并未确知的情况下,只凭想象的可能性来猜测; conjecture指凭经验从不完善、不肯定的证据中进行推断; surmise指凭直觉观察推断出有效结论,暗含具有客观态度和冷静思考的能力,往往有较充分的推测根据。例如:

The old peasant conjectured that it would be an unusually cold winter.那老农推测冬天将会异常地寒冷。
He surmised from their looks that he had called on them at an inopportune time.他可以从他们的面部表情推测出他的来访不是时候。guess, imagine, suppose


imagine指没有事实根据,仅凭主观想象进行猜想; guess指未经认真思索而进行猜想,有时指不着边际地瞎猜; suppose指依据某些事实进行探索性的推测。例如:

I guess you've already known the answer.我想你已经知道答案了。
I suppose he is late again.我想他又迟到了。下列四句意思相同:

I guess his age as fifty.

I guess his age at fifty.

I guess him to be fifty.

I guess that he is fifty.我猜想他是50岁。下列两个句子意思不同:He guessed at her age.他试着猜她的年龄。
He guessed her age.他猜中了她的年龄。assume,presume,suppose,guess,postulate







词源同get, 得到。
用作动词 v.
~+名词guess a riddle猜一个谜语guess a secret猜着秘密guess sb's age at forty猜某人的年龄在40岁的样子guess sb's doubt猜中某人的疑虑guess sb's meaning猜着某人的意思guess sb's thoughts猜中某人的想法guess sb's weight猜某人的体重guess the answer猜答案guess the reason推测原因guess the reason for sb's resignation猜想某人隐退的理由guess the result猜测结果guess the solution of a problem猜着解决问题的办法guess the truth推测真实情况~+副词guess nearly接近猜中guess right猜中guess wrong猜错guess cleverly精明地猜测guess correctly正确地猜想guess easily容易猜中guess luckily幸运地猜中guess profoundly深刻地猜测guess rightly猜中guess shrewdly精明地猜测guess skillfully天才地猜想guess wildly乱猜guess about猜测~+介词guess at对…猜测guess at sb's age猜某人的年龄guess at the answer猜答案guess sth from various circumstances从各种情况来推测某事用作名词 n.动词+~give〔have〕 a guess猜测hazard a guess姑妄猜之make a guess at sth猜测某事miss a guess猜错了venture a guess大胆猜测形容词+~baseless guess没有根据的猜测good guess猜得对hazardous guess无把握的猜测instinctive guess凭直觉的猜测rough-and-ready guess大致的猜测round guess粗略的猜测wild guess乱猜wrong guess错误的猜测介词+~at a guess依猜测,凭估计by guess凭猜测~+介词guess as to出自…的猜测
guess at v.+prep.

猜想 form an opinion

guess at sthI can't guess at your name.我可猜不出你叫什么名字。
Let us guess at the height of the building.让我们推测一下这座楼房的高度。
Can you guess at the price?你能猜出这个价格吗?
Ordinary people can only guess at the causes of the sharp rise in the cost of living.普通百姓对生活费用急剧上涨的原因只能猜测。guess at wh-clauseJust guess at what he means.猜猜他是什么意思。
I can't even guess at what you mean.我甚至连你是什么意思都猜不出。guess what

你看引起听话者的注意( see)

用作名词 a guess

猜一下,粗略估计 without being certain or exact

by guess

靠猜 depend on guess

It's anybody's guess

谁也说不准 no one knows

故事记忆曾经做过 Waitress女招待后来成为 Actress女演员梦想当个 Mistress女主人常把命运 Guess猜测但好运气 Less较少地天堂里被上帝 Bless保佑非常记忆gu古〖拼音〗+e鹅〖编码〗+ss〖象55〗⇒我猜测古代的鹅有55种联想记忆台湾的一个娱乐节目叫做I Guess“我猜我猜我猜猜猜”小学英语速记发音记忆:“该死”→该死!又guess猜错了!近义词 reckonpresumesupposesurmisev. inferpresumptionsuppositionsurmisen. conjecture反义词 prove证明verify核实
S+~+AThink and guess.想一想,猜一猜。
I don't really know,I'm just guessing.我真的不知道,我仅仅是猜想。
She guessed right.她猜对了。
I believe you have guessed wrong.我认为你猜错了。
S+~+ n./pron.Guess this riddle!猜猜这谜语!
Can you guess my weight?你能猜出我的体重吗?
She guessed my thoughts.她猜中了我的想法。
Did you know Joe and Alice were secretly married?—Yes,I had guessed it.你知道乔和艾莉丝秘密结了婚吗?——嗯,我已猜到了。
I should guess his age at 40.我看他有40岁。
She guessed the right answer at once.她立刻猜出正确的答案。S+~+wh-to- vGuess what to do next.猜一猜下一步要干什么。
Can you guess how to do it?你能猜到怎么做吗?S+~+that-clauseI'd guess that she's about 30.我猜想她大约30岁。
She guessed that the letter had something to do with her husband.她猜想这封信与她丈夫有关。
I guess that you're tired after your journey.我想旅行后,你一定累了。
I guess you're wrong here.我想你这儿错了。
I don't guess he will come.我想他不会来了。
I'm too tired to get up,so I guess I'll just go on sitting.我累得站不起身来,看来要一直坐下去了。S+~+wh-clauseGuess how old I am.猜猜我多大了。
Can you guess where he has gone?你能猜出他到什么地方去了吗?
He guessed what I was thinking about.他猜出了我的心思。
He could hardly guess what time it was.他几乎猜不出是什么时间了。
They are guessing when the exam will take place.他们在猜测什么时间考试。S+~+so/notIs he right?—I guess so.他对吗?——我想他是对的。引出直接引语“If you had come several minutes earlier, you…”said he.“I might have seen her,”Iguessed.“如果你早到几分钟,你…”他说道。“我可能就看到她了,”我猜测道。
S+~+ n./pron. +to be/as n.I guess you to be a retired army officer.我猜你是位退伍军官。
I should guess her age as thirty.我猜她的年龄是30岁。S+~+it+ adj./n. + v -ingI guess it most dangerous your climbing the mountain alone.我琢磨你一个人去爬山是很危险的。
I guess it sheer waste of time arguing about it.看来争论这件事纯粹是浪费时间。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vI guess this hall to accommodate 1000 persons.我猜这个大厅能容纳1000人。
I guess this reading room to contain five thousand books.我猜想这间阅览室能放5000册书。用作名词n.One man's guess is as good as another's.大家都心中有数。
Take a guess! how old is Mrs. Jones?猜猜看!琼斯太太几岁?
I'll allow you threeguesses.我将让你猜三次。
Have a guess at the result.估计一下结果。
Have a guess at the answer.猜一猜答案。
Make a guess at the height of the building.猜猜这楼房有多高。
You might have been able to make a guess at who she was.你本来能够猜到她是谁。
Make a guess as so how wide the building.你猜猜这楼房有多宽。Poutguessvt.看透看清胜过Pguesstimatevt.瞎猜瞎估计Psecond-guessv.事后劝告预言Pguessworkn.臆测猜测凭猜测所作之工作



guess可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词如answer, riddle, thought, age, outcome, result等作宾语,还可接that或疑问词引导的从句。guess也可接以动词不定式或“to be/as n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。


在美国口语中,I guess一般现在时常用以表示“认为,想”,相当于I think或I suppose。后面跟从句,语气较婉转,也可以用so或not来替代前面句中肯定式或否定式的宾语。




guess常与介词at连用,表示“对…的猜测”,在书面语中也可接as so。

用作动词I don't really know, I'm justguessing.我真的不知道, 我仅仅是猜想。
We could onlyguessat her motives.我们只能猜测她的动机
Sheguessedthe right answer at once.她立刻猜出了正确的答案。
Heguessedthe number of the beans in the jar.他猜出了缸里豆子有多少。
Iguesshe was wrong.我想他错了用作名词I'll give you threeguesses.我让你猜三次。
Myguessis that he didn't come because his parents wouldn't let him do.我想,他没来是因为父母不让他来。noun.belief, speculation
同义词 assumption,conclusion,conjecture,feeling,guesswork,hunch,hypothesis,inference,judgment,opinion,prediction,presumption,supposition,theorydeduction,divination,estimate,fancy,guesstimate,induction,notion,postulate,postulation,presupposition,reckoning,shot,stab,supposal,surmisal,surmise,suspicion,thesis,viewballpark figure,shot in the dark,sneaking suspicion
反义词 fact,proof,reality,truth,certainty,knowledgecalculation,measurementverb.try to figure out;imagine
同义词 believe,calculate,divine,fathom,infer,predict,presume,pretend,solve,speculate,suggest,suppose,surmise,thinkchance,conjecture,deduce,deem,estimate,fancy,guesstimate,hazard,hypothesize,judge,opine,penetrate,pick,postulate,predicate,reason,reckon,select,survey,suspect,theorize,venturedare say,go out on a limb,happen upon,jump to a conclusion,lump it,size up,take a shot at,take a stab at,think likely,work out
反义词 abstain,disbelieve,ignore,misunderstand,neglect,question,wonder,prove,refuse,rejectmeasure
approximationnoun estimate
ballpark figure,conjecture,educated guess,estimation,guesstimate,informed guess,rough idea,rough measure
assessverb evaluate, determine
appraise,apprise,assay,check,check out,compute,determine,dig it,estimate,figure,fix,gauge,guess,judge,nick,peg,rate,reckon,set,size,size up,survey,take measure,valuate,value,weigh
assessesverb evaluate, determine
appraises,apprises,assays,checks,checks out,computes,determines,digs it,estimates,figures,fixes,gauges,guesses,judges,nicks,pegs,rates,reckons,sets,size up,sizes,surveys,takes measure,valuates,values,weighs
assessingverb evaluate, determine
appraising,apprising,assaying,checking,checking out,computing,determining,digging it,estimating,figuring,fixing,gauging,guessing,judging,nicking,pegging,rating,reckoning,setting,size up,sizing,surveying,taking measure,valuating,valuing,weighing
assumeverb believe, take for granted
accept,ascertain,be afraid,be inclined to think,conclude,conjecture,consider,count upon,deduce,deem,divine,estimate,expect,fall for,fancy,find,gather,get the idea,guess,have a hunch,have sneaking suspicion,hypothesize,imagine,infer,judge,posit,postulate,predicate,presume,presuppose,speculate,suppose,surmise,suspect,theorize,think,understand
assumesverb believe, take for granted
accepts,ascertains,concludes,conjectures,considers,counts upon,deduces,deems,divines,estimates,expects,falls for,fancies,finds,gathers,gets the idea,guesses,has a hunch,have sneaks suspicion,hypothesizes,imagines,infers,is afraid,is inclined to thinks,judges,posits,postulates,predicates,presumes,presupposes,speculates,supposes,surmises,suspects,theorizes,thinks,understands Try to second- guess the match.

“ My best guess is that this was the secondary effect, that they could have hit the ground very fast after being hit by a car or truck, ” she said.
“我的最佳猜测是,这种现象是二次效应,就是说这些鸟很可能是在被一辆汽车或卡车碰撞后又再次迅速的撞地而亡。”她说。 yeeyan

But then that would surprise her, I guess, not you.
但是这会让她吃惊,而不是你,我猜。 yeeyan

But guess who gets Earth all to itself?
但是猜猜谁拥有了整个地球? yeeyan

Can you guess my age?

Can you guess which one?
你能猜出是哪一方吗? yeeyan

Do you know how many sorts of Chinese rose in the world? You can hazard a guess.

Don't answer by guess, work the problem out.

Everything, I guess.
可能全部,我猜。 yeeyan

I guess, compared with most of them, we were.
我想,和他们多数人相比,我们是很富有。 yeeyan

I guess at any age, we all believe exactly what we want to believe.
我想不管在什么年龄,人们都会相信他们愿意相信的东西。 yeeyan

I guess not.
我猜不是。 ebigear

I guess the next question is, when will you start your journey?
我猜接下来的问题是,你将何时开始你的旅程? yeeyan

I guess they ask me because they trust me, like I have always trusted them.
我想他们问我是因为信任我,就如同我一直信任他们一样。 ebigear

I guess we should tell Dad first.
我猜我们应该先告诉爸爸。 yeeyan

My guess: Yes.
我猜想:是的。 yeeyan

Someone hoodwinked my eyes and let me guess who she was.

The product gives you an edge over your competitors, I guess.
我认为你们的产品可以使你们胜过竞争对手。 hjenglish

We can only guess.
我们仅能猜测。 yeeyan

Well, everyone but me, I guess.
哎,我想,所有人,除了我。 yeeyan

Well, I guess you could do this with a dummy or something.
好吧,我猜你可以拿个假人或者别的什么东西来试一试。 yeeyan

Well, see you around, I guess.
好吧,我想我们还会再见面的。 ebigear

Yes, I can guess your age.

Yet how was I to guess?
现在我该如何去猜测呢? yeeyan




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