释义 |
Guay ˈɡeɪ COCA¹³⁸⁵⁷¹ 基本例句 n.瓜伊¹⁰⁰ Guay: all wishes come true, distinguished career!遥祝各位:心想事成,事业有成! Guaydoes not believe the typical CEO's pay is excessive.盖伊认为普通首席执行官的薪酬并不过分。 “Why has executive pay risen so much in the last 15 years?”Guayasks.盖伊问道:“为什么高管薪酬在过去15年的上涨幅度这么大? Does not meet, there is no stagnant and continually move forward tomorrowGuaypeople full of confidence, full of hope!没有满足、没有停滞、不断前进的格威人对明天充满了信心,充满了希望! Foshan OGuaybathroom furniture bathroom furniture factory is a franchise matching products suppliers.佛山市澳格威浴室家私厂是专营浴室家私配套产品的供应商。 |