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A forum was created specifically for ESP customers so that we could post questions and get answers directly from the actual AMS developers.
还有一个专门为 ESP客户开办的论坛,我们可以在这里提出问题,从 AMS开发人员那里直接得到回答。 ibm

An agent management system AMS, provides agent name services“ white pages”, and maintains an index of all agents which currently are registered with an AP.
代理管理系统 AMS提供代理服务的名称“白页”,并保持着目前所有与美联社注册的代理所需指标。 itpcs

But often undergo careers which shift over time, whether they are here for professional degree in the business school or the law school or the AMS engineering or they are here for a PHD
而是经常变换不同的工作,不论他在斯坦福是想获得一个商学院、法学院或者工程学院的专业文凭,还是希望取得博士学位。 ecocn

Domestic support meeting the criteria of this paragraph shall not be required to be included in a Member's calculation of its Current Toal AMS.
符合本款标准的国内支持不需包括在一成员关于其现行综合支持总量的计算之中。 jukuu

Essentially, any workload that is not maximizing its physical memory consumption is an excellent candidate for AMS.
从本质上说,任何不会达到其物理内存消耗上限的工作负载都适合配置 AMS。 ibm

For several months we were able to test AMS before anyone else outside of IBM had a chance to get their hands on it.
因此,我们有机会先于别人 IBM之外的人员几个月测试 AMS。 ibm

Fortunately, existing performance tools have been enhanced to assist in monitoring and managing AMS systems.
幸运的是,现有的性能工具已经得到改进,有助于监视和管理 AMS系统。 ibm

Hence, it is important to understand your workload well before moving to AMS.
因此,在迁移到 AMS之前,了解工作负载是非常重要的。 ibm

However, I encourage you to review the official IBM documentation relating to AMS for detailed information.
但是,我鼓励您阅读与 AMS相关的 IBM官方文档。 ibm

I hope this brief introduction to AMS gets you thinking about how you could deploy and migrate to this new technology.
我希望本文对 AMS的简要介绍能够帮助您考虑如何部署和迁移到这种新技术。 ibm

I'll also touch on performance considerations with AMS.
我还要涉及 AMS的性能考虑因素。 ibm

In this section, I'll provide a very brief overview of how AMS functions.
在本节中,我要简要概述 AMS的工作方式。 ibm

Now that AMS is available to AIX and POWER6 customers, I thought it would be worth sharing my experience with the AIX community.
既然 AMS已经可供 AIX和 POWER6客户使用了,我认为应该与 AIX社区分享我的经历。 ibm

Of course, you need to understand how AMS works and how it interacts with the virtual memory and paging on AIX.
当然,您需要了解 AMS的工作方式,以及它如何与 AIX上的虚拟内存和分页功能相互作用。 ibm

Producing a migration strategy for moving to AMS.
为迁移到 AMS制定迁移战略。 ibm

So no, I won't be deploying AMS into my production environment.
因此,我不会在我的生产环境中部署 AMS。 ibm

So in my AMS environment, I decided that I'd add a little extra logical memory to each LPAR, to cater for peaks in demand.
因此在我的 AMS环境中,我决定给每个 LPAR增加一些额外的逻辑内存,以便应付负载高峰。 ibm

There are three ways to configure memory subscription with AMS.
用 AMS配置内存预订有三种方式。 ibm

These tools can be used to monitor AMS performance and activity.
可以使用这些工具监视 AMS性能和活动。 ibm

Traditional methods of monitoring AIX memory will need to be reviewed, as there are new considerations with AMS and logical memory.
需要重新审视监视 AIX内存的传统方法,要考虑 AMS和逻辑内存的影响。 ibm

We then describe an entropy penalized AMS learning algorithm on Gaussian mixture.
然后,我们描述了另一种基于熵惩罚的自动模型选择学习算法。 iciba

When you push a new smart grid or AMS system live to meet deadlines, what if the system provides inaccurate data or grinds to a halt?
当您为了在期限内完成而推行一个新智能电网或者 AMS实时系统时,如果系统提供不准确的数据或慢慢停下来时会怎么样? ibm

With AMS, the Hypervisor can take control of memory allocation automatically.
通过使用 AMS, Hypervisor可以自动地控制内存分配。 ibm

AMS intelligently flows memory from one logical partition LPAR to another for increased utilization and flexibility of memory.
AMS智能化地在逻辑分区 LPAR之间转移内存,从而提高内存的利用率和灵活性。 ibm

AMS paging devices view from the VIOS.
从 VIOS查看 AMS分页设备。 ibm

AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager software will be employed for instrument commissioning, predictive maintenance, and asset optimization.
在仪表调试、预维护和资产优化方面将采用 AMS设备管理组合中的智能设备管理软件。 gkong




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