

单词 amputees
释义 amputees ˌæmpjuˈti:z COCA³⁰⁷⁹⁸BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
n.被截肢者amputee的名词复数原型amputee的复数 As well as athletes who have suffered spinal injuries, the modern Paralympics invites competitors with visual impairment, athletes with cerebral palsy, and amputees to participate in the games.
包括脊髓损伤的运动员,现代残疾人奥运会邀请有视觉缺陷、大脑性麻痹症以及截肢患者等参加比赛。 hjenglish

It's my own personal experience that parents of children today who are amputees have an entirely different view.
我亲身经历过,现在的父母亲,对于有一个被截肢的孩子,他们有完全不同的看法。 yeeyan

Of those extras,20-30 of them were amputees issued with prosthetic limbs to simulate soldiers having their limbs blown off.
他们中有20-30人都是截肢者,装着假肢来假装肢体被炸掉。 yeeyan

The saddest sight is of the many badly wounded, particularly the thousands of amputees, who limp and hop along the capital's streets.
那些重伤者,尤其是那些在太子港大街一瘸一拐行走的成千上万的断肢者,是最令人惨不忍睹的。 ecocn

The tournament in Ghana is seven-a-side; most players are single- leg amputees although those with one incapacitated leg are also permitted; goalkeepers have one hand.
加纳足球联赛七人一队,大部分的队员是单腿截肢者尽管有一条腿无行为能力,但他们依旧允许参赛守门员有一只手。 ecocn

The whole- armed anthropomorphic prosthesis is a kind of manipulator used by amputees.
拟人多关节全臂假手是用于截肢者的一种机械手。 cnki

To understand what is happening, Dr Flor and her colleagues resorted once again to MRI, to record the brain activity of amputees while they were performing the mirror task.
福罗博士和她的同事为了弄清原理,再次求助于磁共振技术来记录截肢病人在进行镜像治疗时的大脑活动。 ecocn

But a robotic leg would give lower limb amputees a new kind of freedom, allowing them to climb stairs more safely and with more natural motion.
对于小腿截肢的患者来说,仿生智能腿将赋予一种全新的自由感觉,上下台阶时更自然,更安全。 yeeyan

But now, with the aid of newly developed super- legs, even double amputees can run every bit as well as some of the world’s fastest sprinters.
但是现在,有了这种最新研制的飞毛腿,即使是双腿被截者也能与世界上最快的短跑运动员一样健步如飞。 yeeyan

He volunteers for organizations that adapt homes for veterans who are amputees.
他也是一名志愿者,为改善截肢老兵的居住环境的组织服务。 yeeyan

It could also benefit amputees, who often have residual electrical activity in the muscle at the amputation site.
它还对截肢者大有帮助,他们截肢的部位往往还可以进行电活动。 yeeyan

Lima Company had already lost two marines and sent several amputees home.
利马连已经失去了两名陆战队士兵,而且已经将几名被截肢者送回了国。 ecocn

Multisensory devices have already been developed and tested on reinnervated amputees, relaying sensations of contact, pressure, vibration, shear force and temperature.
多重感受装置已经研制出来并在经过神经移植的截肢患者身上测试,转换接触、压力、震动、剪切力和温度的感觉。 ecocn

Swedish and Italian scientists have created the first robotic hand to give amputees a sense of touch.
瑞典和意大利科学家制造出第一具机械手,使截肢者有了触觉。 yeeyan

The aquarium has established a program that allows amputees to visit for free.
该水族馆还启动了一个项目,允许截肢人士免费参观。 yeeyan

The concept has also helped some amputees alleviate pain in phantom limbs.
这种方法同时也在帮助一些截肢患者减轻来自他们幻肢的痛苦。 yeeyan

There are roughly two million lower leg amputees in the world, but that figure is expected to double by 2050 as the number of people with diabetes increases.
现今世界上大约有200万小腿截肢患者,但随着糖尿病患者数目不断增加,预计到2050年,这个数字将翻番。 yeeyan

To compensate for the lower ground force, Grabowski found that amputees typically moved their legs more quickly to generate the same amount of power.
格拉博夫斯基发现,为了弥补较低的蹬地力量,截肢者通常更快地摆动双腿以产生同样的功率。 yeeyan

Today, her infectious enthusiasm and good spirits are an inspiration to countless human amputees who come to visit her every year.
目前,她热力四射的激情和高昂的情绪激励着每年来看她的无数位截肢人士。 ttpet

Which is key. The right to joke about lost limbs is usually reserved for close friends and fellow amputees.
这是关键。开失去肢体的玩笑通常保留给亲密的朋友和同样截肢的人。 tianya

Amputees could regenerate limbs and organs thanks to scientists who have come close to discovering how salamanders grow back lost legs and damaged organs.
科学家们即将发现蝾螈是如何将残缺四肢和受损器官再生的秘密了,被截肢的残疾人将会得益于此,重新长出四肢和身体器官。 yeeyan

Amputees and people who have become paralysed may still“ feel” a missing limb or a part of their body, even though it is no longer connected to their nervous system.
即使它不再和神经系统相联系了,截肢病人和瘫痪病人仍可以“感觉”到已经不在的四肢或者身体的某部分。 ecocn

Amputees sometimes experience phantom limb sensations, feeling pain, itching or other impulses coming from limbs that no longer exist.
截肢者有时会经历幻肢感觉,感觉到从不再存在的肢体传来疼痛、痒或者其他刺激。 yeeyan




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