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词汇 gtd
释义 gtd.
abbr.=guaranteed;guaranteed 担保的;有保证的
The role of productivity systems and tools like GTD are just helping us do what we need to do.
效率系统和工具的作用像 GTD就是为了帮助我们做我们想做的事情。 yeeyan

Where I disagree with the orthodox GTD cultish philosophy that Allen espouses is in the idea that you should try to cram everything into a single trusted system.
我不赞同艾伦所主张的传统 GTD邪教哲学,因为这个理论主张你尝试去填满一个单一信任系统. yeeyan

But, in my case, I’d already started setting my goals, so they fit nicely in the GTD system as projects.
但是,在我而言,我已经开始制定的目标,它们刚好可以作为 GTD系统中的项目。 yeeyan

Clearly, GTD has become more of a calling than a business.
显然 GTD已经变成了一种呼吁,而不仅仅是一桩生意。 yeeyan

Currently the main focus of his articles is GTD, but his broad interests include psychology, philosophy, self improvement, productivity and innovation.
目前,虽然他的文章主要是关于 GTD的,但是他的兴趣广泛,包括心理学、哲学、自我完善、效率和创新。 yeeyan

I have mostly learned what I know from your site and other articles about GTD, but I also have the book on order.
虽然我已经从你的网站和其它有关 GTD的文章中学到了很多,我还是订购了一本书。 yeeyan

I like to prepend “ GTD” to the beginning of each notebook title so that I can sort them alphabetically and separate them from other notebooks I might have set up.
我喜欢在每个笔记标题前加上“ GTD”,这样我就可以通过设置,将它们按字母排序,以便与其它笔记区分开来。 yeeyan

If you’re following the GTD methodGetting Things Done, look at your list of to- dos and see if you could cut that list in half.
如果你想遵循 GTD法完成任务法,就浏览一下你的待办事务清单,看看能不能将其减半。 yeeyan

If you start using the“ GTD” principles, you will be more productive than you have ever been in your life.
如果你开始用“ GTD”原则,你会比你曾经生活的更有成效。 yeeyan

Let me just conclude by saying that GTD is no magic wand that will make your goals come true.
让我最后说, GTD并不是能使你的目标变为现实的魔杖。 yeeyan

Perhaps that's why religious groups are particularly drawn to GTD.
也许正因为如此 GTD尤其受到宗教团体的欢迎。 yeeyan

That's GTD, short for “Getting Things Done, ” the prosaic title of his best-selling book.
这就是 GTD,“尽管去做”的简称,同时也是他的畅销书的朴实无华的标题。 yeeyan

The rest comes from Allen's public seminars, a subscription website called GTD Connect, and a growing line of products from software plug-ins to file folders.
其余的来自艾伦的公开培训课,还有“ GTD连线”网站的订阅费;以及正在扩展中的其他附属产品,比如软件插件、文件夹等。 yeeyan

This week, I started the switch to the GTD system.
这周,我开始转变着去尝试 GTD系统的生活方式。 yeeyan

Use methods like GTD to overcome this behavior.
利用各种方法如 GTD来克服这种行为。 yeeyan

GTD isn’t about doing everything on your list.
GTD不是让你做完你清单上的所有事情。 yeeyan

GTD employs more than300 engineers, and it develops systems and products for aerospace and defense.

GTD helps you put your goal next actions in the proper context.
GTD帮你把你的为了实现目标的下一个行动放入合适的情境。 yeeyan

GTD helps you track your goals effectively.
GTD帮助您有效地跟踪目标。 yeeyan

GTD is just a tool, but it is a very useful tool, and I highly recommend it for anyone trying to make dreams a reality.
GTD仅仅是一个工具,但它是一个非常有用的工具,我强烈推荐所有想要实现梦想的人们都来用它。 yeeyan

GTD lets you focus on your goals.
GTD让你可以专注于自己的目标。 yeeyan

GTD should be adapted to fit your personal working style— it’s not a cookie-cutter approach.
你应该使 GTD适合你个人的工作方式——它不是什么千篇一律的方法。 yeeyan




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