释义 |
GSSL 基本例句 Genoa,Savona,Spezia,and Leghorn ports 热那亚、萨瓦纳、斯陪西亚、来亨意大利港口城市 With the lack of social trust and related laws,GSSLinstitution cannot fulfill its organized target in its practice of 8 years.There are many contradictories between policy and practice.摘要国家助学贷款制度实施近8年来的实践表明,在社会信用缺失和相关法律制度不健全的情况下,风险补偿机制的不科学是构成国家助学贷款可持续发展的瓶颈。 The Institutional Innovation ofGSSLBased on Financial “Functional Paradigm”基于金融“功能范式”的国家助学贷款制度创新 A Discussion on the Institution Innovation ofGSSL: The Analysis Based on the Theory of Functional Finance论国家助学贷款的制度创新:功能金融理论的分析 |