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GSESCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺⁵ 基本例句 Geocentric Solar Ecliptic System NASA 地心黄道系统美国航空与航天局原型gse的复数 Although its budget comes from fees paid by the GSEs, a Fannie- inspired amendment called for OFHEO to go through the appropriations process every year. 督察局的预算取自政府扶持企业支付的费用,可是在房利美的鼓动下,国会通过了一项修正案,每年都要对督察局的经费进行审批。 When the two government-sponsored entities GSEs were listed companies, they acquired or stamped guarantees on millions of loans that in retrospect were far too risky. 这两家政府支持企业 GSE原本都是上市公司,打理着数百万项房贷收购和担保业务,回过头来看,这些贷款的风险实在高得要命。 renren Did your Congressman and Senators accept campaign contributions from the GSEs? 你们的国会议员在竞选时接受过政府资助企业 GSE的捐献吗? enfamily The GSE bubble has likely ended but since the GSEs are also the vehicle by which the government props up the housing markets for now, it may not burst as soon as it deserves to. 政府资助企业泡沫有可能已终止,但是由于政府资助企业同时也是政府目前支持房地产市场的工具,它可能不会象其应有的那样瞬间爆发。 blog.sina.com.cn The US side was committed to continued strong supervision over its government- sponsored enterprises GSEs to ensure their capital adequacy in fulfilling financial obligations. 美方承诺,继续对政府支持企业实施强有力的监督,确保其具有足够资本履行财务责 任。 blog.sina.com.cn Virtually the only mortgages investors will buy are those guaranteed by the GSEs and other federal agencies. 实际上,投资者会购买的惟一一种抵押贷款都是由 GSE和其它联邦机构所担保的。 ecocn Yet although the GSEs are ostensibly government- controlled, they still try to maximise profits and minimise losses. 不过两房表面虽是由政府来控制,但他们还是试图秉承收益最大化、损失最小化的商业作风。 renren A compromise might be to deal primarily with those securities that are on the balance sheets of the government- sponsored enterprises GSEs. 可能的折衷方案就是优先处理政府资助企业 GSE资产负债表上按揭证券。 ecocn |