

单词 gryphon
释义 gryph·on 英ˈgrɪfən美ˈgrɪfənAHDgrĭfʹən 高COCA¹¹¹⁶⁸⁹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺iWeb³³⁹⁸²
n⁵⁰.希神半狮半鹫的怪兽=griffin; griffon⁵⁰.

winged monster with the head of an eagle and the body of a lionGriffin狮鹫(西方神话里一种…
近义词 griffon希神狮身鹫首的怪兽…Griffin狮鹫(西方神话里一种常见…
The King and Queen of Hearts were sitting on their thrones when Alice and the Gryphon arrived.
当爱丽丝和鹰头翼狮赶到时,红桃国王和王后正坐在宝座上。 ypgogo

“ Stand up and repeat” ' This is the voice of the sluggard, ' said the gryphon.
“站起来背《这是懒汉在说话》,”鹰首师身怪说。 bab

' Alice whispered to the Gryphon. ' They can't have anything to put down yet, before the trial's begun.
爱丽丝对鹰头狮低声说,“在审判开始前,他们不会有任何事情要记录的。” xddhy

' Change lobster's again!' yelled the Gryphon at the top of its voice.
“再交换龙虾!” 鹰头狮用最高的嗓门嚷叫。 hjenglish

' Each with a lobster as a partner!' cried the Gryphon.
“每个都有一只龙虾作舞伴!”鹰头狮叫道。 hjenglish

He looked at the Gryphon as if he thought it had some kind of authority over Alice.
他看看鹰头狮,好像鹰头狮对爱丽丝有什么权威似的。 hjenglish

' Hold your tongue! ' added the Gryphon, before Alice could speak again. The Mock Turtle went on.
爱丽丝还没来得及答话,鹰头狮就喝了声“住口!”然后素甲鱼又讲了下去。 xddhy

Like a gryphon puffing flames, crashed through Night's staggered saber- like tusks.
像喷火的怪兽轰鸣着穿过夜阴森交错的白牙。 poetrysky.com

' Tell her about the reason and all that, ' he said to the Gryphon.
“告诉她这是什么缘故。”它对鹰头狮说。 hjenglish

' That's different from what I used to say when I was a child, ' said the Gryphon.
“这同我小时候背的完全不一样。”鹰头狮说。 hjenglish

They had flown through the night, as before, and this time the young mage was convinced he had slept while guiding the gryphon through the chill night air.
两人象以往一样飞越夜空,而这一次年轻的法师确信他在寒冷夜色中驾驭狮鹫时睡着了。 group.lehu.shu.edu.cn

They very soon came upon a Gryphon, lying fast asleep in the sun.
她们很快就碰见了一只鹰头狮,正晒着太阳睡觉呢。 hjenglish

Gryphon Scientific: How many cocktail umbrellas are there in a given time in the United States?
Gryphon科技:全美的鸡尾酒里面配有多少把小花雨伞呢? cri

'Yes, I think you'd better leave off, ' said the Gryphon: and Alice was only too glad to do so.
“你最好停下来吧!”鹰头狮说。爱丽丝实在太愿意了,于是停了下来。 xddhy




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