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Grynaeus 基本例句 格里诺伊斯¹⁰⁰ It was about this time that Melanchthon hastily conducted through the streets of Spires toward the Rhine his friend SimonGrynaeus, pressing him to cross the river.但也有许多迹象说明上帝已伸出他的圣臂要保护忠心的人。约在此时,“梅兰克吞领了他的朋友西门格里诺急急的通过斯拜耳兹的街道,向莱茵河走去,并催他赶紧过河。 During the day,Grynaeushad been scandalized at a sermon by Faber, a leading papal doctor;当天,格里诺听到一个罗马教著名的博士斐勃尔的演讲,深为不服,随后指责他所辩护的是“可憎的谬论。” 'An old man of grave and solemn air, but who is unknown to me,' said Melanchthon, 'appeared before me and said, In a minute officers of justice will be sent by Ferdinand to arrestGrynaeus.梅兰克吞说:‘刚才有一个白发苍苍,态度严肃,素不相识的老人出现在我面前,对我说,在一分钟之内,斐迪南必派法警来捉拿格里诺。’”There appeared tokens of danger to the Protestants; |