

单词 gruesomely
释义 grue·some·ly 英'ɡruːsəmli美'ɡruːsəmli 高COCA⁹⁹⁷⁰⁴BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb⁴⁹²²²

in a gruesome manner;

he was gruesomely wounded

近义词 horribly可怕地hideously讨厌地shockingly恶劣地dreadfully可怕地ferociously野蛮地frighteningly令人恐惧地
as in.morbidly
同义词 insanely,unwholesomely,weirdly
morbidlyadverb unnaturally
insanely,unwholesomely,weirdly To simplify a gruesomely complex process: if House Democrats approve a health bill the Senate passed last yearplus a few tweaks, America will have something close to universal health insurance.
简化复杂的可怕的流程:如果民主党在众议院通过去年参议院通过的医疗议案稍有调整,美国人将会得到一个几乎覆盖全民的医保体系。 ecocn

During Mr Uribe’s presidency, some army units gruesomely shot innocent civilians and dressed their corpses in guerrilla uniforms to inflate their body counts.
在乌利贝的任期内,一些部队曾经可怖地射杀无辜平民,然后将其尸体改头换面,装扮成游击队士兵,以此充数。 ecocn

I'm going to rather gruesomely not realign science- fictioning story, I'm going to torture one of the two in products.
我不打算给你们设计,什么科幻故事了,我打算去折磨案例中的某个人。 youdao

Most gruesomely, fully formed body parts of the dead twin may be found embedded in the body of its surviving sibling.
其中最让人骇异的当是,夭折胎儿已发育成型的身体部分可能被发现寄居在存活的另一方体内。 ecocn

Sometimes“ larger” animals, such as tadpoles or worms, wind up half in and half out of the trap, gruesomely losing part of their body to the plant's hunger.
有时候,一些“大”点的动物,比如,蝌蚪或者蠕虫,身体的半部分陷进阀门的里面,而半部分露在外面,残忍地将一段身体留给了饥饿的植物。 yeeyan

The samurai tradition views suicide as noble though perhaps out of self-interest, since captured warriors were treated gruesomely.
此外,武士向来都把自杀看作高尚的行为或许武士是出于利己主义,因为一旦成为俘虏则会受到虐待。 ecocn

This has already happened for lower- income families through tax credits, the gruesomely complicated system of benefits and negative taxation that Gordon Brown introduced when he was chancellor.
对于一些收入稍低的家庭已经在这么做了,这些家庭一直在享有税务减免,这个减免属于布朗担任首相时推行的可怕而复杂的收益与负所得税一套体系。 ecocn




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