

单词 amply
释义 am·ply AHDˈampəlē,ˈaam-,ˈaim-,-li 高GCOCA²⁹²⁷¹BNC¹⁸¹⁹²iWeb²⁵³⁰⁰Economist¹⁶⁰⁷⁵

to an ample degree or in an ample manner;

these voices were amply represented

we benefited richly

sufficiently; more than adequately;

the evidence amply or fully confirms our suspicions

they were fully or amply fed

amp-ly像⇒adv.足够地⁴⁰;详细地²⁰;充分地⁴⁰近义词 fully十分地richly完全地copiously丰富地adequately足够地abundantly大量地thoroughly彻底地sufficiently足够地liberally指教育着重于智力的开…反义词 meagerly瘦地

用作副词I feltamplyremunerated for all the extra hours I had worked.我认为我的加班已得到足够的报偿。
He told usamplyabout the accident.他详细地把事故讲给我们听。
Successamplyrewarded his efforts.成功使他的努力得到充分的报偿。
His moral conduct isamplycertificated.他的品行有文件充分为证。adv.fully, sufficiently
同义词 abundantly,adequately,extensively,generously,lavishly,liberally,properly,richlyacceptably,appropriately,bountifully,capaciously,completely,copiously,enough,fittingly,greatly,plenteously,plentifully,profusely,rightly,satisfactorily,substantially,suitably,thoroughly,well
反义词 illiberal,inadequately,insufficiently
abundantlyadverb plentifully
comfortablyadverb luxuriously
adequately,agreeably,amply,cozily,easily,in comfort,pleasantly,restfully,snugly,warmly,well
enoughadverb adequately
freelyadverb easily, smoothly done
abundantly,amply,as one pleases,bountifully,cleanly,copiously,effortlessly,extravagantly,facilely,lavishly,liberally,lightly,like water,loosely,open-handedly,readily,unhindered,unobstructedly,unstintingly,well,with a free hand,without encumbrance,without hindrance,without restraint,without stint
fullyadverb sufficiently, adequately
generouslyadverb with a free hand
abundantly,amply,bountifully,charitably,copiously,freely,handsomely,lavishly,liberally,munificently,openhandedly,prodigally,profusely,unsparingly,unstintingly And the whole operation is paid for by Mr A’s wife, who gets an amply illustrated report every time an encounter takes place.
整个诱捕计划的费用都由 A先生的妻子支付,他们每一次会面,她都会收到一份详实的图文报告。 yeeyan

As the crisis amply demonstrated, when trust erodes, the system freezes up.
危机充分证明,当信任受到侵蚀时,系统就被冻结了。 kle100

On the contrary, as our opinion pieces over the years amply demonstrate, we often voice ideas that many people find distasteful.
相反地,这么多年来我们的许多观点足以证明我们总是说出一些令大多数人觉得反感的想法。 yeeyan

That amply is illustrated by the remarkable cooperation we've begun to forge in this area.
我们在该领域已开始建立的非凡合作已经为此给予最好的说明。 yeeyan

The financial crisis has amply demonstrated that maintaining low inflation does not guarantee economic stability.
金融危机已经充分的证明了持续的低通胀率并不能保证经济稳定。 ecocn

All these amply and vividly demonstrated the media's social responsibility and role in public welfare.
这些都是媒体社会责任和公益使命最充分、最鲜明的体现。 putclub

Although the city schools overall have an amply deserved reputation for low standards, there are some good schools and many good students.
虽然整体上看圣路易斯的学校以教学要求低而“名声大噪”,但是无可否认市立学校里还是有一些好学校和优秀的学生。 ecocn

As recent wild swings in their dollar price amply demonstrated, they are not the most predictable of vehicles.
随着最近美元的价格呈现失控的摇摆状态已详细地说明,他们并不是最可预测的工具。 yeeyan

But as this week’s events amply demonstrate, although the benefits of doing things online still greatly outweigh the risks, it often pays to be paranoid.
但本周几起事件充分证明,尽管用网络处理事务的好处仍远超风险,但像偏执狂般小心谨慎,往往值得。 ecocn

But it has amply showed what a mess it makes of politics, and should stay firmly in its barracks now.
但是事实清楚的表明军方已经把政治搞得一团糟,他们现在应该好好呆在军营里。 ecocn

He meant to provide for me amply, and thought he had done it; but when the living fell, it was given elsewhere.
他要使我衣食丰裕,而且他自以为已经做到了这一点,可是等到牧师职位有了空缺的时候,却落到别人名下去了。 hjenglish

Her French companions, especially Henri Tardivat, praised her fighting spirit; amply demonstrated when she killed an SS sentry with her bare hands to prevent him raising the alarm during a raid.
她的法国同伴们,特别是亨利.塔尔德瓦对她的战斗精神称颂有加。在一次突袭中,她曾徒手杀死一名正要去拉响警报的纳粹哨兵。 yeeyan

Like a scientist bent on making a discovery, he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded.
他必须像一个专心致志进行探索的科学家那样抱有这样的希望,即终有一天,他的努力会取得丰硕的成果。 kekenet

Only their own managerial competence, demonstrated amply by a few institutions, provides a check on the whole process.
只有他们自己的管理能力能提供对整个过程的检查,这一点在一些机构中充分显现出来。 yeeyan

OPEC claims that the world is amply supplied with oil and seems content with a price around$100 a barrel.
欧佩克声称目前世界石油供给充足,对油价维持在每桶100美元表示满意。 ecocn

Our judgment, however, has been amply vindicated. Not only did the charges and conflicts of interest persist but so did the attacks on the judiciary.
不过事实充分地证明了我们的判断,不仅有关他的控告和政企利益冲突仍然存在,贝卢斯科尼还攻击侮辱法官们。 ecocn

Snow-white table is very solid and stable structure, characteristics of which were amply demonstrated in numerous exhibitions.
雪白的桌子非常坚固且采用了稳定的结构,这些特质在众多的展览中得到了充分的展示。 yeeyan

The latest election, they said, amply proved their point, with12 parties winning seats in the120- strong Knesset, Israel’s parliament.
他们说,最近一次选举就充分证明了他们的观点,其中12个党派在这次的以色列120强国会议会获得了席位。 ecocn.org

They knew that history amply supports this truism: when personal responsibility is lost— whether it be taken by force or given up voluntarily— individual freedom does not long endure.
他们知道历史为这一真理提供了无尽的证据:当失去了个人责任——不管是被武力剥夺,还是自愿放弃——个人的自由就永远消失了。 yeeyan

You will soon be amply rewarded for your help.
你将很快获得重奖,因为你乐于助人。 edu.sina.com.cn




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