

单词 group home
释义 group home短语⁶⁹⁵⁰⁹
“ They have a schedule and they know what's coming day to day, ” said Laura Baumann, the group home's manager.
“他们作了详细的计划,每天每天,”病友之家的经理劳拉·鲍曼说。 acsf

He doesn’t want to wake the others in his group home by preparing breakfast, so he grabs an Egg McMuffin and a coffee on the way to the bus stop.
杰克不想吵醒同屋的同伴,因此他没做早饭。在去上班的路上,匆匆买了一份鸡蛋松饼、一杯咖啡。 yeeyan

His most recent group home experience was disastrous; he was bullied incessantly, and decided life would be safer on the streets.
最近一次在家庭式宿舍的经历对他而言是一场灾难---他不断地被人欺负,导致他认为在街上的生活反而会更安全一些。 yeeyan

Sometimes two months will pass before I venture the66 kilometers to the group home where he now lives.
有时两个月快过去了,我才不辞辛劳开车6公里去他现在住的那个集体户。 zftrans

Virginia sits outside the tunnel, where she moved her belongings in 2006 after leaving a group home.
坐在地道出口处的弗吉尼亚。2006年,弗吉尼亚便从一处流浪汉聚集地来到这里生活。 cri




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