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词汇 Groupe Danone
释义 Groupe Danone
His comments followed speculation thatGroupe Danone, the world's largest yogurt maker, might be an acquisition target.在希拉克讲话前,市场揣测,全球最大的酸奶产品制造商达能集团可能成为收购目标。
Groupe DanoneDanone, producer of Evian, has also been actively lightweighting its polyethylene terephthalate bottles.达能集团达能,依云生产,还积极减重的聚乙烯苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 PET 瓶。
Late last month,Groupe DanoneSA of France said China seized five containers of Evian water in February because of concern about high bacteria levels.上个月末,法国达能集团的一位发言人说,有5个集装箱的依云矿泉水被中国禁止入境,理由是矿泉水的细菌含量超标。
Huiyuan is 23%-owned by FrancesGroupe DanoneSA.U.S. private-equity firm Warburg Pincus LLC owns 6.8%, while the companys founding chairman, Zhu Xinli, owns 36%.法国达能集团持有汇源果汁23%的股份,美国私人资本运营公司华平创业投资有限公司持股6.;8%,汇源果汁创始人兼董事长朱新礼持股36%。
Food group Danone is suing its Chinese partner Wahaha for alleged breach of contract and Schneider Electric must pay damages for infringing a patent on technology the French company says it owns.经营食品的法国达能集团诉其中方合伙人娃哈哈公司违反合同。斯耐德电气则是因侵犯一项技术的专利权而被判支付损失赔偿。这家法国公司声称对该技术享有所有权。




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