

单词 grouped
释义 grouped 英gruːpt美gruːpt 高COCA¹⁵⁶⁶²BNC¹¹⁵⁶⁸iWeb³⁴³³⁵Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
arranged into groupsgrouped line集团用户线grouped table分组表grouped pulse generator脉冲群振荡器…grouped comparison design组间比较设计…grouped record分组记录grouped site连片建筑用地…grouped indicant分组标志grouped index number类指数grouped data分类资料
近义词 sorted分类的

用作名词Raw datagroupedto produce a histogram can be described by a continuous curve with the same parameters.为了编制直方图而进行了分组的原始数据,可以用一条具有同样参数连续曲线来描述。
A new compilation approach based ongroupedtasks was proposed for optimal compilation of dynamically reconfigurable architecture.摘要针对动态可重构结构的优化编译问题,提出了一种基于任务分组的编译方法。as in.collective
同义词 concerted,corporate,cumulative,mutual,shared,unifiedaggregate,common,cooperative,jointassembled,collated,combined,compiled,concentrated,conjoint,consolidated,gathered,heaped,hoarded,massed,piled,united
反义词 separate,unshared,disjointdividedas in.gathered
同义词 accumulated,collected,concentrated,huddled,massed,reunitedaggregated,amassed,associatedcollocatedcombined,compiled,congregated,convenedconvokedculled,forgathered,garnered,gleaned,harvested,hoarded,joinedmarshaledmetmobilizedpicked,piled,rallied,stacked,stored,summoned,swarmed,thronged,unitedbrought together,crowded together,lumped together,rounded up
反义词 separateddispersed,scatteredas in.graded
同义词 classified,indexed,ordered,rankedas in.organized
同义词 coordinated,formed,formulated,standardizedcatalogued,classified,correlated,tabulatedmethodized,straightened outas in.ranked
同义词 ratedarranged,graded,organized,piled,stacked
反义词 disarranged,disordered,strewn
collectiveadjective composite
gatheredadjective assembled
accumulated,aggregated,amassed,associated,brought together,collectedcollocatedcombined,compiled,concentrated,congregated,convenedconvokedcrowded together,culled,forgathered,garnered,gleaned,grouped,harvested,hoarded,huddled,joined,lumped togethermarshaledmassed,metmobilizedpicked,piled,rallied,reunited,rounded up,stacked,stored,summoned,swarmed,thronged,united
gradedadjective sorted
organizedadjective arranged, systematized
catalogued,classified,coordinated,correlated,formed,formulated,grouped,methodized,standardized,straightened out,tabulated
rankedadjective ordered
arranged,graded,grouped,organized,piled,rated,stacked The debugger displays a lot of information, and it is grouped into different sections called views.
调试器显示了大量的信息,并且可以分组到不同的称为视图的部分中。 ibm

The encryption algorithm and the hash function are further grouped into CipherSpecs.
加密算法和散列函数被进一步分组到密码规范中。 ibm

The rules are grouped in chains, according to the types of packets they deal with.
根据规则所处理的信息包的类型,可以将规则分组在链中。 ibm

“ We grouped people based on what pieces of software needed to work together, rather than around specific feature deliverables, ” she says.
我们习惯于将人员按照软件的组成部分去分组,而不是围绕要交付软件的特定功能来分组。 yeeyan

All of these diagrams share the common theme of“ resource scheduling” and are grouped accordingly in the model.
所有这些关系图的主题都是“资源调度”,所以会在模型中进行分组。 ibm

Another benefit of grouping elements is the ability to modify the appearance of the grouped elements quickly.
将这些元素分组的另一个好处是,可以快速修改这些被分组元素的显示。 ibm

Any given body of code usually includes grouped statements that work toward the same goal, such as creating a collection and adding items to it.
所有给定代码主体通常包含已分组的语句,它们拥有共同的目标,比如创建一个集合,将数据项添加到该集合中。 ibm

As an example, let's count employees grouped by office, in other words, the number of employees in each office.
作为示例,让我们计算一下按办公室分组的员工数量,换句话说,就是各办公室中的员工数量。 ibm

Available chunks are maintained in bins, grouped by size.
可用的块被维护在按大小分组的箱子中。 yeeyan

Components that are changed together should be grouped into one module.
应该将一起进行更改的组件分组到一个模块中。 ibm

I prefer to store style sheets in a different directory because I find is easier to maintain and share style sheets if they are all grouped in one directory.
我喜欢将样式表存储在不同的目录中,因为我发现,如果样式表都被分组在一个目录中,可以易于维护和共享样式表。 ibm

In version6.1.2, related constructs are still grouped together, but you can select any of them at any time.
在6.1.2版本中,相关构造仍然分组在一起,但是您可以在任何时候选择其中任何构造。 ibm

One case is list items, which might appear as siblings of normal paragraphs rather than grouped together in a list.
列表项就是这样一个例子,其表现形式就是一些相邻的普通段落,而非列表中分组到一起的内容。 ibm

Show how the data are gathered and grouped to produce UI Distribution of Charges reports.
显示数据如何被收集并分组,以建立对计费报告的用户界面分发。 ibm

Since V5, messages can be segmented or grouped.
自 V5以来,可以对消息分段或分组。 ibm

Table2 shows the results of the inspections grouped according to defect severity.
表格2显示了按照缺陷严重程度分组的审查结果。 ibm

Table3 shows the results of the inspections grouped according to the origin of defects uncovered.
表格3显示了按照已发现的缺陷的来源进行分组的审查结果。 ibm

They are grouped by category and annotated with a priority.
它们由目录分组并且以优先级进行标记。 ibm

They might be grouped, depending on the processor of your system.
根据系统处理器的不同,这些指标可能会被分组。 ibm

This avoids the risk of exposing sensitive data and it also allows common statements to be grouped.
这就避免了暴露敏感数据的风险,而且也允许把常见语句分组。 ibm

This phone can be scaled to any size. Easily add your own image to the screen with the included object mask. All objects are layered, grouped and labeled for easy customization.
这个手机模板可以缩放到任意大小,利用已包含的对象蒙版可以很轻松的让你在屏幕上添加图像,所有的对象以图层显示,分组和易于定制的标签。 yeeyan

This will show us in a chart how the clusters are grouped in terms of who looked at the M5 and who purchased one.
结果,有一个图表会向我们显示这些群集是如何按照谁看过 M5以及谁购买了一辆 M5分组的。 ibm

Use grouped options when the number of options is relatively small, and when only one option may be chosen at any given time.
只有在相关的选项比较少,以及任何时间只有一个选项被选中的情况下使用分组选项。 cnblogs

Users can be grouped in subdivisions while the administrator has the option to turn the service on or off for the entire organization or for a subdivision.
支持用户分组细分的同时,还设有权限开关,管理员可选择为整个组织或某一分组设定服务权限。 infoq

Usually tables are grouped in a table space based on their function relation and access pattern.
表常常根据它们的功能关系和访问模式分组在表空间中。 ibm

Views can be grouped according to different criteria.
视图可以按不同的标准分组。 ibm

We have the students grouped according to ability, that is we have head-engine in grouping.

Would you ever go back to a store if the store shelves had no labels and items were not grouped together?
如果一家商店的货架上没有任何标签,商品也不进行任何分类,你是否会再次光顾? yeeyan

You can create your own space from scratch, or use a template with predefined widgets grouped together by function.
您可以从头创建自己的空间,或者使用模板,其中具有按功能分组在一起的预定义小部件。 ibm




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