

单词 ground cover
释义 ground·cov·er 英ˈgraʊndˌkʌvə美ˈgraʊndˌkʌvɚAHDgroundʹkŭv'ər 短语⁵⁸⁵⁶⁸

low-growing plants planted in deep shade or on a steep slope where turf is difficult to growsmall plants other than saplings growing on a forest floorcover ground走完一段路提供重要…
近义词 groundcover地被植物
Camels browse on trees as well as onground cover.骆驼既吃地被植物也吃树的枝叶。noun.(ground covering
同义词 covert,earth,leaf litter,leaf mold,terra firma,tree litter,turf I do use them as a ground cover around my lilac bush because they do so well in the shade.
反倒在紫丁香丛周围种下它们作为地被植物,因为它们可以遮阴。 mytino

The site should have a good ground cover of grass, or bushes, or trees, as covering vegetation provides shade and reduces erosion and dust.
所选地点的地表应当很好地被草、灌木或树木覆盖,因为植被可以提供遮蔽,同时减弱侵蚀、减少沙尘。 yeeyan

These plants can be used as the Spring Festival flowers, street trees or landscape trees, ground cover plants, and cut flowers etc.
在园林上可作年宵花卉、行道树或景观树、地被植物以及切花等用途。 cnki

According to its application in fact, the classification and selection criterion of the garden ground cover plant were introduced.
根据其植物在实际中的应用介绍了园林地被植物的分类及选择标准。 cnki

As the main ground cover of many ecosystems, bryophytes play an important role in the process of vascular plants' natural regeneration.
苔藓植物作为许多生态系统的主要地被物,在维管植物天然更新过程中发挥着不容忽视的作用。 cnki

Asiatic perennial tufted herb with grasslike evergreen foliage and clusters of dark mauve grape like flowers; grown as ground cover.
欧亚的一种簇生的多年生草本植物,叶常绿、草状,花簇生、紫红色;作为一种地被植物。 hotdic

Bushes provide excellent ground cover when grown near waterways or along the borders of fields.

Either way, it is important to establish good ground cover to avoid the loss of soil through erosion.
但无论用哪种牧草,建立良好的植被从而避免土壤因浸蚀而流失都是十分重要的。 hjenglish

Generally, micro irrigation is not suited for lawns and turf, but ground cover, shrubs, and even dwarf fruit trees are good candidates for drip or trickle irrigation.
一般来说,微灌是不适合的草坪和草皮,但地被,灌木,甚至是矮果树滴灌或滴灌很好的候选人。 cfli




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