

单词 grotto
释义 grot·to 英ˈgrɒtəʊ美ˈgrɑtoAHDgrŏtʹō ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA²⁸⁴⁸⁵BNC²⁴⁵⁶¹iWeb¹⁸¹⁵⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a small cave usually with attractive features来自意大利语grotta洞穴,原本拼写为cropta,源自拉丁语crypta洞穴,地窖,英语单词crypt的词源,源自希腊语krypte洞穴,藏身之处。GRE红宝书读: grow头, 联想王八从它的壳里grow头出来, 他的壳就有小洞穴.
联想记忆gr看作great+ otto看作otter水獭⇒大水獭住在洞穴中近义词 hole洞den兽穴cave洞穴grot洞穴tunnel隧道hollow空的pothole坑洞opening开口cavern大洞穴

用作名词Currently thegrottois not accessible.一般来说洞穴是不可进入。
We reached a beautifulgrotto, whose entrance was almost hid by the vines.我们到达了一个美丽的洞穴,洞的进口几乎被藤蔓遮掩著。
The cry proceeded from thegrotto.那声音是从地洞那面传过来的。noun.cave
同义词 caverncavity,chamber,den,hollowantre,rock shelter,subterrane,underground chamber
catacombnoun underground tunnel
cavenoun hole in land formation
cavern,cavity,den,grotto,hollow,pothole,rock shelter,subterrane,subterranean area
cavernnoun hollow in land formation
cave,grotto,hole,pothole,subterrane,subterranean area
cryptnoun burial place
catacomb,cave,cavern,cell,chamber,compartment,grave,grotto,mausoleum,room,sepulcher,tomb,undercroft,vault The sound of dripping water is always heard in this grotto.
这个洞穴经常能听到水滴声。 aidaodao

The grotto shape and mural art of the latter are under the influence of the former.
莫高窟北朝时期的石窟,从窟形到壁画艺术深受克孜尔石窟的影响。 cnki

A grotto in the forest, leafy, dense and dark.
在郁郁葱葱的森林中,一个洞穴依稀可见。 yeeyan

BANSHEE RIDERS circle and swoop, darkening the sky above the grotto.
骑着斑溪兽的战士在天空盘旋俯冲,遮天蔽日。 yeeyan

Both the grotto mural arts comparable with the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, and the religious culture such as the great and profound Tibetan Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism, etc.
既有可与敦煌莫高窟相媲美的石窟壁画艺术,又有博大精深的藏传、汉传佛教等宗教文化。 gatefanyi

By chance, restoration work in1956-1957 revealed a small natural grotto east-south- east of the sanctuary.
在1956-1957年的修复工作中,揭露了祭坛东南东的自然小洞穴。 ccreadbible

Hardy Utai brave the lower depths of the sinkhole grotto to use the water pools found there as a basis of aquacultural fields.
这些强壮的尤塔人探索了灰岩坑洞穴底部的水池,发现它们可以作为水产养殖的基地。 starwarschina

He dwelt with considerable force and energy on the almost magical hospitality he had received from the count, and the magnificence of his entertainment in the grotto of the Thousand and One Nights.
他很卖力地叙述了如何得到伯爵那次几乎象变魔术似的款待,如何在那《一千零一夜》的岩洞里受到他富丽堂皇的房宅里的招待。 ebigear

He reflected that this second grotto must penetrate deeper into the island; he examined the stones, and sounded one part of the wall where he fancied the opening existed, masked for precaution's sake.
他心想,这第二个洞口自然应该在岛的纵深处,而且为了预防被人发觉,自然也是很隐蔽的。他仔细在石块间察看着,看到有一面洞壁象是洞口,就敲敲听一下声音。 ebigear

He glanced around this second grotto; it was, like the first, empty.
他环视了一下这第二个洞窟,它象第一个一样,也是空空的一无所有。 ebigear

His grotto is on the sixth floor of an office building in the lakeside city of Hangzhou.
在滨湖城市杭州,有一栋写字楼,他的办公室就坐落在6楼。 ecocn

In the next grotto the tourists can experience absolute darkness where even cats don't see anything.
下一个洞穴中,游客可以体验绝对的黑暗,那里即使是猫也什么都看不见。 aidaodao

In the grotto is a fountain and pool, at which the huntress Diana and her nymphs disport themselves, naked.
女猎师戴安娜和众仙女在洞穴的池塘和瀑布边上玩耍嬉戏。 她们赤裸着正在沐浴。 yeeyan

It seemed, however, to Edmond, who was hidden from his comrades by the inequalities of the ground, that at sixty paces from the harbor the marks ceased; nor did they terminate at any grotto.
由于路面崎岖不平,爱德蒙的同伴们看不到他。 当他追踪到离港口六十步远的地方时,记号中断了,记号中止的地方并不见有什么岩洞。 ebigear

It is said to be a grotto.
人家说它是个石洞。 ebigear

Reluctantly, she let go of his arm. And as she turned to leave, she heard Karen scream from across the grotto.
她不情愿地松开了他的手臂。当她转身要走时,她听到了凯伦从洞穴那头发出的尖叫。 rtucn

Such a place was the Grotto, where Brissenden and he lounged in capacious leather chairs and drank Scotch and soda.
“洞窟酒吧”就是这样一个地方,布里森登和他此刻就躺在“洞窟”的大皮椅上喝着威士忌苏打。 ebigear

That could mean anywhere from a kitchen tap to the famed grotto, where Playboy bunnies have mingled with guests in a hot tub.
因此,发现细菌的地点可能是厨房内的水龙头,也可能是著名的“洞穴”——花花公子的兔女郎们和访客们一起在那里的温水浴缸里欢会。 yeeyan

The last one is called“ Tower grotto” as it is situated higher than the other.
最后一个叫“塔石窟”,因为这里的地势比别的高。 yeeyan

The grotto is dark except for the spectral GLOW of the willows.
整个石窟一片黑暗,只有灵魂树的枝条发出如梦如幻的光芒。 yeeyan

Grotto recommends adults get55 micrograms of selenium daily from Brazil nuts, dry-roasted nuts, turkey, tuna, or shellfish.
Grotto建议成天每天需从巴西果,干果,火鸡,金枪鱼或者贝壳类食物中摄入55毫克硒。 yeeyan




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