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词汇 groggy
释义 grog·gy 英ˈgrɒgiː美ˈgrɑgiAHDgrŏgʹē ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA²⁹⁹⁸⁶BNC⁴⁷⁷⁰⁷iWeb²⁷⁸⁵⁸
stunned or confused and slow to react as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion该词有二百多年的历史,它的词源可以一直追溯到法语短语gros grain粗纹布料。此语后缩合为单词grogran/grogoran,并于16世纪被引进英语,作grogram,用以指一种丝与马海毛mohair或羊毛织成的粗松斜纹织物,汉语有时音译为“格罗格兰姆呢”。
  18世纪初,英国海军对水兵实行朗姆酒 rum定量配给。1740年8月海军上将Edward Vernon1684 - 1757意识到朗姆酒配给量过大不利于整肃军纪,提高效率,遂下令以搀水朗姆酒发放给他管辖下的舰队官兵。这一做法果然奏效,不久即在英国海军中推而广之,一直实行了两百多年,直至1970年7月1日才宣布取消。这位海军将领在海上喜着用grogram制成的披风,官兵就给他取了个绰号叫Old Grogram Cloak或Old Grog,把他首先实行的搀水朗姆酒定量配给戏称为Grog's ration或Grog’s mixture,并最后将之简化为grog,作为兑水朗姆酒的代称。grog现用以泛指“掺水烈酒”。groggy 一词即由grog派生而来,原先仅表示“田喝兑水朗姆酒而醉醺醺的”,以后词义扩大为“酒醉的”,在当代英语中一般表示“摇摇晃晃的”、“昏昏沉沉的”、“软弱无力的”等义,不论是饮酒所致,还是因疲劳、久病等缘因引起的。此外,从grog一词还产生了与酒有关的两个复合词:一为grog shop,在英国英语指“低级小酒店”,一为grog blossom,指“鼻赘”或“肥大性酒渣鼻”。grog及groggy始见于1770年的一种综合性期刊《绅士杂志》The Gentleman’s Magazine。grogg,-y的⇒adj.头晕的¹⁵;昏昏沉沉的¹⁵;酒醉的³⁰;摇摇晃晃的⁴⁰近义词 slow慢的weak弱的logy迟缓的dazed目眩的tired疲倦的faint微弱的dizzy晕眩的foggy有雾的sleepy欲睡的wobbly摆动的shaky不稳固的muzzy模糊不清的woozy糊里糊涂的unsteady不稳定的bleary眼睛模糊的stuporous无感觉的

用作形容词He's stillgroggyfrom the anaesthetic.他用过麻药,现在仍眩晕无力。
The sleeping pills left her feeling verygroggy.那安眠药弄得她迷迷糊糊的。
The injured man was stillgroggyand could only give a garbled account of the accident.受伤的男子仍不很清醒,只能含糊地说出事故的情形。
Everyone wasgroggy, exhausted even before the day began.甚至当天开始时就已经个个步伐踉跄,人人筋疲力尽。adj.dizzy, stunned
同义词 befuddled,confused,dazed,shaky,tired,unsteady,wobbly,woozydopey,drunken,faint,hazy,out of it,punch-drunk,punchy,reeling,slaphappy,staggering,stupefied,swaying,weak,whirling
反义词 clear,stable,steadyunshaky,clear-headed,cognizant
blind drunkadjective very drunk
besotted,buzzed,crocked,dead drunk,inebriated,intoxicated,loaded,pissed,plastered,sloshed,smashed,soused,stiff,tipsy,under-the-table,wasted
dizzyadjective light-headed, confused
addled,befuddled,bemused,bewildered,blind,blinded,dazed,dazzled,distracted,disturbed,dumb,dumbfounded,faint,gaga,giddy,groggy,hazy,light,muddled,off balance,out of control,punch-drunk,punchy,puzzled,reeling,shaky,slap-happy,staggered,staggering,swimming,tipsy,unsteady,upset,vertiginous,weak in the knees,weak-kneed,whirling,wobbly,woozy
drunkadjective intoxicated by alcohol
bashed,befuddled,boozed up,buzzed,crocked,feeling no pain,flushed,flying,fuddled,glazed,groggy,high,inebriate,inebriated,juiced,laced,liquored up,lit,muddled,plastered,potted,seeing double,sloshed,stewed,stoned,tanked,three sheets to the wind,tight,tipsy,totaled,under the influence,under-the-table,wasted
hazyadjective confused
litadjective intoxicated by alcohol
bashed,befuddled,boozed up,buzzed,crocked,feeling no pain,flushed,flying,fuddled,glazed,groggy,high,inebriate,inebriated,juiced,laced,liquored up,muddled,plastered,potted,seeing double,sloshed,stewed,stoned,tanked,three sheets to the wind,tight,tipsy,totaled,under the influence,under-the-table,wasted
loopedadjective drunk
bashed,befuddled,besotted,boozed up,buzzed,crapulent,crapulous,crocked,drunk as a skunk,drunken,feeling no pain,flushed,flying,fuddled,glazed,groggy,half-seas over,high,high as a kite,in one's cups,inebriated,intoxicated,juiced,laced,liquored up,lit,muddled,plastered,potted,seeing double,sloshed,sodden,stewed,stoned,tanked,three sheets to the wind,tight,tipsy,totaled,under the influence,under-the-table,wasted Bridget woke the next morning in the recovery room and, still groggy, reached over to feel for her left breast.
第二天醒来,她发现自己在康复室,浑身无力. yeeyan

It was still pretty good, and I felt fully functional, but sometimes I was a little groggy for the first hour.
我的意识还是很清醒的,只不过在刚睡醒的头一个小时有点昏昏沉沉。 yeeyan

Still groggy, Woltz reached and flicked on the night table lamp.

The anesthesia made him groggy.
麻醉使得他感觉有点头昏眼花。 yeeyan

Awake from his nap but still a little groggy, Ian ambled back over to da box and popped up the scanner log file.
Ian睡醒了,但还是有点迷糊,他慢吞吞地走到电脑面前,正好看到弹出的扫描器日志文件。 yeeyan

But if you wake up during another phase of sleep such as delta sleep, you’ll feel groggy or drowsy.
但如果是被从深度睡眠中唤醒,那恰恰相反,你会觉得头晕眼花。 yeeyan

His mouth was stuffed with rags. Groggy with ether, nauseous with the rocking of the boat, he could dimly feel that weights had been attached to his legs.
嘴里塞着布条,被乙醚搞得昏昏沉沉,因为船舱的摇晃不停作呕,他微弱的知觉只能隐约感觉到靠在他腿上的重量。 ecocn

If you tend to wake up feeling groggy, grumpy, or even sad, consider using one or more of the above tips to help boost your morning mood.
如果你起床时感觉愤怒,毫无精神东倒西歪,甚至痛苦,可以考虑上面提到一两个建议来唤醒你的心情。 yeeyan

If you find yourself too groggy, you might want to wait a short time.
如果你发现自己筋疲力尽,你也许想要等一会再学。 yeeyan

I'm still feeling a bit groggy though. Thanks to the lads as I didn't have much part to play in the second half.

In America a tax rebate landed in people's bank accounts in May and acted like a dose of smelling salts on a groggy bruiser.
在美国,五月通过的一项关于个人银行账户的退税提案开始执行,作用像是给摇摇晃晃遍身青紫的伤者一剂嗅盐。 xv88

Interrupting that sleep can leave them groggy, especially since they also tend to have trouble falling asleep before11 p.m.
打断这种睡眠会使他们昏昏沉沉,特别是因为他们也往往在晚上11点前入睡困难。 yeeyan

It takes away our edge, makes us groggy, and disrupts our sleep.
它带走了我们的优势,使我们头昏眼花,破坏我们的睡眠。 yeeyan

Most of the time I’d wake up after less than20 minutes, but sometimes I’d sleep30 minutes or longer and then wake up groggy.
但并没有成功。绝大部分时间我可以在20分钟内自然醒来,但有时却会睡30分钟或更长。 yeeyan

Owen looked extremely groggy when leaving the field, but Pearson has confirmed he suffered only a mild concussion and should be at full tilt in a few days.
欧文下场时看起来头晕眼花,如醉酒一般,但皮尔森表示这只是一次正常的冲撞,欧文将会在几天内恢复正常。 hicoo

Putin returned to the surface after four and a half hours looking a little groggy, according to witnesses at the lakeside.
据岸上的目击者说,普京在潜水四个半小时后回到了地面上,过程中他看上去有些许脚步不稳。 yeeyan

She’d had an operation for hemorrhoids the day before, so I guess she was still a bit groggy.
婚礼的前一天她做了痔疮手术,所以我猜她的身体仍然会有些虚弱。 yeeyan

The last attack of influenza has left me rather groggy.
上次患流行性感冒后使我至今软弱无力。 hjenglish

The tumor presses on the skull, poor girl, and makes her groggy.
那快肿瘤压迫着脑壳,可怜的姑娘,叫她昏头涨脑的。 yeeyan

Two hours later, Mr Wu woke up feeling groggy and uneasy.
两个小时后,伍醒了,感到脑袋发晕且很不舒服。 yeeyan

Whether we’re kept awake by our partner’s snoring or we stay up too late watching TV, we wake up tired, groggy, and cranky.
不管原因是我们被伴侣的鼾声折磨得睡不着还是因为看电视看得太晚,我们醒来后感觉疲惫不堪、昏昏沉沉、脾气暴躁。 yeeyan




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