

单词 grits
释义 grits 英grɪts美grɪtsAHDgrĭts GCOCA²¹⁶⁷⁰BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
coarsely ground hulled corn boiled as a breakfast dish in the southern United States来自PIE*ghrei, 刮,擦,磨,词源同gravel, grind. 指磨的粗玉米粉。corn cob grits玉米棒屑grits cutter碾米机coarse grits粗粒谷粉wheat grits面筋fine grits细粉foreland grits前陆粗砂岩
grit-s复数⇒n.粗面粉³³;粗玉米粉⁶⁷n.粗磨粉;粗燕麦粉;粗碾谷物;粗碾小麦;粗碾玉蜀黍;玉米粥;去壳但未碾制的燕麦;玉米片;麦屑;格里茨音译名近义词 hominy grits玉米粗粉

用作名词This process also produces homing and corngrits.此法也产生玉米麸和玉米粗粉。 Take an engineer who runs a quarrying firm in Tamil Nadu, providing stone for sands, grits and gravels used in everything from houses to roads.
有位工程师在泰米尔那德邦经营着一家采石场,开采石头用作道路、房屋建造中使用的沙子石子的原料。 ecocn

The starch, corn grits, and cellulose frame adhered with starch may be a series of desiccants with broad uses, and their chemical structures and properties are reviewed.
讨论了淀粉、粗玉米粉及可以被淀粉所依附的纤维素框架的化学结构及性质,它们可能成为一系列用途广泛的干燥剂。 cnki

“ Consumers can expect to see whole barley and dry milled barley products such as flakes, grits, flour, meal, and barley meal bearing the health claim, ” the FDA said.
FDA声称“消费者有望看到全麦和干麦粉产品如麦片、粗燕麦粉、精面粉、粗麦粉和大麦粉等符合健康要求。” hxen

A Bahamas breakfast— to be a Bahamian breakfast it must contain grits.
巴哈马群岛早餐——巴哈马群岛的早餐一定会有粗燕麦粉。 kekenet

An uncompromising, often bleak novel, Grits is certainly a difficult book, but the dedication of any reader will be rewarded.
作为一部主旨明确、色彩阴郁的小说,《砂砾》必定很难读懂,但是只要你细心品读,一定会获益无穷。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Barley grits are toasted and ground; nice for cereal or as a side dish.
大麦粗磨粉可以用来烤面包和做底盘,精麦仁可以用来做配菜。 haodf

He grits his teeth.
他咬牙切齿。 ebigear

His book is engrossing: naive young northerners, with zero previous experience of black America, living in sharecroppers' shacks, eating grits and using dirty outhouses;
书中的描写非常引人入胜:天真的北方年轻人,他们之前对美国黑人世界一无所知,现如今住在农民的棚户里,吃着粗玉米,忍受着肮脏的露天厕所; ecocn

If a person grits his teeth and shows real determination failure is not an option.
一个人如果咬紧牙关并显示真正的决心,就绝不会失败。 hxen

In experiments of directional blasting on flat ground the piles of the thrown grits are comparatively concentrated.
在砂砾石中进行的平地定向爆破实验得到了较为集中的堆积体。 cnki

Leg one is characterized by fine sand and small rocks while leg two is mainly characterized by grits.
第一阶段横溪路面多细砂石,而第二阶段汤山路面则以粗砂石为主。 srtc

Lincoln moves forward and grits his teeth, “ It was dad…” Michael says that it’s not possible.
Lincoln咬紧牙关,向前倾身,“是父亲…” Michael说那是不可能的。 yeeyan

Long durability and low consumption: SG steel grits have fewer interior flaws. They are made of tempered martensite and can resist impulses. A long durability is ensured.
钢砂寿命长,消耗量少: SG钢砂内部缺陷少,金相组织为回火马氏体所组成,耐冲击性强,寿命长。 iciba

Michael grits his teeth. “What’s between you and him, is between you and him, ” Michael says as he walks out of the showers.
Michael咬咬牙,“你和他的事,你们自己解决,”说着他离开了沐浴间。 yeeyan

Most of the theoretic formulas to calculate the ground surface roughness are based on the geometrically generating interaction between grits and workpiece surface.
大多数计算磨削表面粗糙度的理论公式都是基于砂轮表面磨粒与工件表面的几何创成机理建立的。 cnki

The winner takes the spoils, but the loser is not crushed: he grits his teeth and vows to try harder next time.
胜利者拿走了战利品,但是失败者也不会崩溃,他们会磨磨牙然后发誓下次要更加努力。 yeeyan

They were drawn by memories of hominy grits, pole beans, black- eyed peas, oxtail and collard greens, of mimosa, locust and dogwood trees.
那些玉米粗粉,攀缘茎豆,黑眼豆子,牛尾甘蓝,那些含羞草,蚱蜢和山茱萸都是他们记忆中的珍藏,吸引着他们回到这里。 ecocn

Grits are dried ground hominy, or corn, for anyone not in the loop. You mix it with boiling water and the grits becomes a porridge.
粗燕麦粉是干燥的地面玉米粥,或是玉米粒,用开水冲泡将这些混合,粗燕麦粉就变成了粥。 kekenet




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