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grind to短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺⁷ 基本例句 把某物粉碎或磨成粉末 The free flow of new ideas slows down and newer, better ways of doing things grind to a halt. 新想法的自由交流变得缓慢,那么更新的更好的做事方式就会停滞不前了。 yeeyan The nation of111 million people will grind to a halt tomorrow until5 May in an effort to stifle the spread of swine flu which is on the brink of becoming a global pandemic. 为了遏制猪流感这个即将成为全球性流行病的传播,墨西哥这个拥有1110万人口的国家从明天起直到5月5日开支进入停顿状态。 yeeyan “ Sometimes we feel the whole place is about to grind to a halt, ” sighs a prominent businessman. 一位声名显赫的商人叹道,“有时候我们会觉得整个这个地方会突然停止运转。” ecocn Every thirty seconds, the server experiences a huge storm of disk- writing activity, causing the system to nearly grind to a halt. 每隔30秒,服务器就会遇到磁盘写活动高峰,导致系统几乎陷于停顿。 ibm Growth would grind to a halt, and unemployment could nearly double. 增长将会停止,失业率可能翻翻。 yeeyan If something goes wrong—and it often does— business will quickly grind to a halt. 如果这期间发生了什么差错-这经常发生-企业会马上陷于瘫痪。 ecocn Interrupt this heartbeat— as a freak snowstorm did last year when it hit the Crossroads during Lunar New Year—and the entire country can grind to a halt. 如果心脏的脉搏受到干扰—就像去年春节期间该地区那场反常的暴风雪—整个国家的步伐就可能被迫停滞。 yeeyan It will be a hard slog. But on the current evidence don’t expect America’s recovery to grind to a halt. 这或许将是一次十分艰难的前行,但现有数据也都显示,美国经济不会停止其复苏的脚步。 ecocn None of this is to say that job creation will grind to a halt or that the U.S. and euro zone will lose their competitive edge; it’s simply a question of extent. 没有一条是说创造就业岗位会使经济慢慢停下来或者美国和欧元区会失去他们的竞争优势;这是一个简单的程度问题。 yeeyan None of this is to say that job creation will grind to a halt or that the U. S. and euro zone will lose their competitive edge; 没有一条是说创造就业岗位会使经济慢慢停下来或者美国和欧元区会失去他们的竞争优势; yeeyan This time ESA had an unusual request: could the firm's scientists and engineers take time out from their daily grind to help find a way of packing crisps faster? 这次 ESA提出了一个不寻常的要求:公司的科学家和工程师们能不能从日常工作中抽点时间出来,设计一种更快的炸薯片封装方法? yeeyan University departments will grind to a halt. High-tech companies will be starved of personnel. 大学会因为没有生源而停课,高科技公司也将因人才匮乏而倒闭。 ecocn Without government action, he said, there was a risk that financial sector could grind to a halt. 他说,政府如果无所作为,金融体系就有完全停摆的危险。 ebigear You could say I have a fair amount of responsibility— if neglected, a machine could grind to a halt. 的确,我有相当大的责任——如稍有疏忽,机器就会停止运转。 iciba |