

单词 grignard
释义 Gri·gnard 英griːnˈjɑː美grinˈjɑrAHDgrēn-yärʹ BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
A novel diamine monomer containing fluorine and phosphine oxide was synthesized from3,5- Bis Trifluoromethyl bromobenzene through Grignard reactions, nitration and reduction.
从3,5-二三氟甲基溴苯出发,经格氏、硝化、还原反应合成了含氟和氧膦的新型二胺单体。 polymer

AimTo determine the structure of the by-pro du ct produced in Grignard reaction for preparing mifepristone derivatives, and elucidate the reaction mechanism.
目的确定米非司酮衍生物制备过程中格氏反应一步的副产物的结构,并分析反应机理。 chemyq

The effects of solvent of Grignard reagent, pyridine hydrochloride and boron tribromide on yield of product were investigated.
考察了格氏试剂的溶剂、反应物盐酸吡啶和三溴化硼对脱甲氧基收率的影响。 cnki

The synthetic method of organotin compound has gone through the traditional indirect synthesis with Grignard. V reagent and direct synthesis with tin and hydrocarbon substituted by halogen.
有机锡化合物的合成经历了传统的格氏试剂间接合成法、利用金属锡和卤代烃的直接合成法两个时期。 cnki

The Grignard-like reaction was that used the reagent replaced magnesium with zincum in water.
类格氏反应是用锌代替镁,在水体系中进行的增长碳链的反应。 dictall

According to the mechanism of the exchange of metal- halogen, the time and temperature of reaction is proper extended, and the quality of reaction of grignard is improved.
根据金属—卤素交换的机理,适当的延长时间和降低温度,使格利雅合成的质量得到提高。 cnki

According to the principle and characteristics of Grignard reagent, a daring improvement of the preparation of triphenyl methanol is carried out, thus making the experiment more successful.
根据格氏试剂反应的原理及特点,对格氏试剂法制备三苯甲醇的实验进行了改进。大大提高了实验的成功率。 chemyq

Alain Grignard, Belgium's top terrorism investigator, says bin Laden is now a“Robin Hood figure;100 people are inspired by him, but very few respond to do what he wants.”
欧盟高级反恐专员阿兰.格瑞纳德表示:如今本拉登是个罗宾汉式的人物,或许有100个人崇拜他,但很少有人会听从他的指示。 yeeyan

Cross- coupling reaction of grignard reagent with organic hands catalyzed by NiCl2 was investigated.
对在二氯化镍作用下的格氏试剂交叉偶联反应进行了研究。 chemyq

Di- Grignard Reagent and mono- Grignard Reagent were prepared using1,4- dibromobutane.
以1,4-二溴丁烷为原料,分别制备了双格氏试剂和单格氏试剂。 cnki

Esteriflcation of phenylalanine followed by nucleophilic substitution with acetonitrile anion and reaction with Grignard reagent provides an enaminone intermediate.
酯化苯丙氨酸,再经乙睛碳负离子的亲核反应和与格氏试剂的反应得到中间体烯胺酮。 cnki

Explore the new craft of preparing Grignard reagents.
探索合成格利雅试剂的新工艺。 iciba

Improvement on the Grignard method is made and the semi industry experiments are reported.
对传统的格利雅法合成四丁基锡工艺进行了改进,并报道了其半工业试验的效果。 cnki

In this paper, preparation. properties of Grignard reagent and application of it to organic synthesis are dis- cussed.
本文讨论了格氏试剂的制备、性质及其在有机合成中的应用。 chemyq

It has important meanings in industrialization of Grignard reagents.
这些对格利雅试剂的工业化生产具有重要的意义。 cnki

Methods13C- octanoic acid was synthesized with Grignard method.
方法13C-辛酸采用格利雅方法合成标记。 xuebao.shsmu.edu.cn

Study the technologic conditions of preparing Grignard reagent benzylmagnesium chloride under ultrasonic condition.
研究超声波法制备格利雅试剂氯化苄基镁的工艺条件。 cnki

Synthesis of triphenylbismuthine by metal interchange with grignard reagents is introduced. Results of its application for cure catalyst of solid propellants are also summarized.
介绍了三苯基铋的合成、质量及其用作固体推进剂固化催化剂的一些应用结果。 chemyq

The article summarizes the preparation. structure and chemical nature of Grignard reagent.
本文综述了格氏试剂的制备,结构及其在有机化学中的应用。 chemyq

The decyl chloride was used instead of1- bromodecane to produce Grignard reagent to reduce production of the byproduct eicosane;
以氯癸烷替代溴癸烷做格氏反应,有效地降低了偶联副产物的生成; dictall

The paper introduces implication of grignard reagent and application in organic synthesis, such as, synthesis of alcohol, aldehyde, keto, acid and alkane, etc.
本文介绍了格利雅试剂的含意,格利雅试剂在合成中的主要应用如:合成醇、醛、酮、酸、烃等。 chemyq

Through experiment we discussed the preparative condition and came out with methods of mono- Grignard Reagent preparation.
通过实验讨论了它们的制备条件,提出了单格氏试剂的两种制备方法。 cnki




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