

单词 grieves
释义 grieve·s 英ɡriːv美ɡriːv COCA⁵¹¹⁵³BNC⁴⁸⁴²⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
vt. & vi. 使悲伤

cause to feel grief to

feel griefcause to feel sorrow;

his behavior grieves his mother

grieve, lament, mourn


1.用作不及物动词时, grieve指公开或不公开地表露内心真诚的、极度的悲痛,常是持久性的; mourn侧重因某种原因显于外表的悲伤、哭泣,但没有grieve真诚; lament一般指出声的“悲悼”“哀哭”,有时也用于借喻或诗意的语言中。

2.用作及物动词时, grieve通常以其他的人/事或用代词it作主语,以感觉悲痛的人作直接宾语,表示“使…难过/悲伤”,而lament和mourn则没有这种用法。

用作动词 v.
~+副词grieve bitterly〔deeply, greatly〕深感悲伤grieve endlessly使永远感到悲伤grieve excessively感到过度悲伤grieve hopelessly绝望地悲伤grieve silently暗暗地感到悲伤grieve touchingly令人同情地感到悲伤grieve truly确实感到悲伤grieve uncontrollably情不自禁地感到悲伤~+介词grieve about〔at〕对…感到伤心grieve for为…而伤心grieve over由于…而伤心
grieve at v.+prep.

对…感到伤心 feel sad about (sth)

grieve at sthI shall not grieve at her death.对于她的死,我一点也不难过。
She is grieving greatly at the death of her son.她对儿子的死感到非常悲伤。
We all grieved at the death of such a great man.这样一个伟大的人离去,我们都深感悲伤。
grieve for v.+prep.

为…而伤心 feel sorrow for (sb)

grieve for sbAfter ten years, she still grieves for her dead child.她的孩子已经死了十年了,她仍在悲伤。
grieve over v.+prep.

由于…而伤心 feel sorrow about (sth)

grieve over sthGrieving over his failure, the businessman shot himself.那位商人因破产而悲伤,开枪自杀了。
She could not but grieve over her son's strange lack of maturity.对于儿子出奇的不成熟她只有叹息。
You can't go on grieving over your lost youth as you can never get it back, it's better to accept the joys of middle age.青春一去不复返,你不能总为失去青春而伤感,最好还是享受人到中年的乐趣。近义词 hurt损害pain痛苦sigh叹气mourn哀悼bleed流血wound创伤brood一窝lament悲叹sorrow悲伤suffer遭受offend冒犯upset心烦的distress不幸mope抑郁不乐afflict使苦恼depress使沮丧oppress使烦恼sadden使黯淡feel sad感到悲哀languish衰弱无力over在 … 的上方…aggrieve 使 … 受屈brood over郁闷地沉思, 沮丧地苦想…反义词 delight高兴please请=plz
S+~+ABe sure and not grieve.一定不要伤心。
She is still grieving.她仍悲痛不止。
The entire village grieved when he died.他死时全村人都很悲痛。
He grieved to know that his mother had passed away.他悲痛地得知他母亲已经去世。
S+~+ n./pron.Don't grieve your parents.不要让你父母伤心。
Nothing grieves me more.没有什么比这更让我伤心的了。
Her conduct grieves her mother.她的行为使她的母亲伤心。
It grieves me to see him in such bad health.看见他的健康状况如此不佳,使我很伤心。
It truly grieves her to see him change.看到他变了,她确实很伤心。
I am much grieved on hearing of my friend's death.我听到我朋友死了时,十分悲痛。
He was grieved to hear the news.听到这消息他很悲痛。


grieve既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,常接人而不接物作宾语,而主语则通常为物; 用作不及物动词时,常与介词at, over等连用,表示“对…感到伤心”。


用作及物动词Itgrievesme to see him in such bad health.看见他的健康状况如此不佳,我很伤心。
Itgrievesme to hear how disobedient you've been.听说你很不听话,使我感到非常难过。用作不及物动词She wasgrievingfor the dead baby.她为死去的孩子悲伤。
It's no usegrievingabout past errors.为过去的错误懊悔不已是无济于事的。
Igrievevery much for what I have done.我为自己的行为感到痛心。 Better one suffer than a million grieves.
一人受难胜于百万人悲痛。 iciba

The rabbit and fox are both considered to be smart and resourceful, so the saying“When the rabbit dies, the fox grieves” describes the bond between opponents who are also kindred spirits.
兔子、狐狸都属狡猾、机智之辈,成语“兔死狐悲”比喻因同类的灭亡而感到悲伤。 inffs

The woman grieves deeply over the loss of her baby while her man vows to bring back the boy and kill the bear.
女人失去自己的孩子后悲痛欲绝,他的男人发誓要杀了熊把孩子夺回来。 innuovo

Why autumn wind grieves the painting fan?
何事秋风悲画扇? blog.sina.com.cn

A Bulgarian woman grieves for her youngest son, who was murdered shortly after he left their village to make his mark in the capital.
一位保加利亚妇女在为她的小儿子伤心。他离开家乡到首都去寻找自己的成功之后不久就被谋杀了。 linelife

After ten years, she still grieves for her dead child.
她的孩子已经死了十年了,她仍在悲伤。 iciba

Compare your grieves with other men's and they will seem less.
将你的痛苦与他人比较,会发现它们不算什么。 dict

Friendship multiplies joys and divides grieves.
友谊能增添欢乐,能分担忧愁。 askuask

Friendship multiply joys and divide grieves.
友谊增加欢乐,减少痛苦。 en.jpkc.cqepc.com.cn

I hope my grandchildren will have the strength to bear the inevitable difficulties and disappointments and grieves of life.

In fact God grieves right along with us.
事实上,上帝与我们一起难过。 yeeyan

It grieves me to see him in such bad health.
看见他的健康情况这样不佳,我很伤心。 soso

It grieves my heart that there are people who have even lost their homes.
有些人甚至无家可归,令我非常难过。 iciba

Mother had gone away, I underwent the falling emptiness of reality and destructive grieves.
母亲不在了,我体味着真实的空落与灭绝一般的悲伤。 blog.sina.com.cn

None, this one grieves to confess. We beg your pardon.
没了,这个人难过的坦白了。请您再说一遍。 che147

Our entire nation grieves with you.
我们整个国家和你们一同哀悼。 www.hubce.edu.cn

She grieved deeply, and she still grieves, but she’s also one of the most energetic people I know.
她沉浸在悲痛之中,这种悲痛的情绪现在依然笼罩着她,但是她也是我知道的最具活力的人之一。 yeeyan

That separation grieves God.
这分离使神难过。 jdtjy

This is the poem in which the speaker grieves over a death by imagining a procession of mourners at the funeral.

Time heals grieves and quarrel, for we change and are no longer the same person.
时间抚平了悲伤,平息了争吵;那是因为我们变了,我们不再是原来的我们。 blog.sina.com.cn




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