

单词 Gregory
释义 Greg·o·ry ˈɡreɡərɪ;ˈɡreɡəri 高Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

Roman Catholic Church a church father known for his constant fight against perceived heresies; a saint and Doctor of the Church 329-391Italian pope from 1831 to 1846; conservative in politics and theology; worked to propagate Catholicism in England and the United States 1765-1846the pope who sponsored the introduction of the modern calendar 1572-1585the Italian pope from 1406 to 1415 who worked to end the Great Schism and who retired to make it possible 1327-1417the Italian pope who fought to establish the supremacy of the pope over the Roman Catholic Church and the supremacy of the church over the state 1020-1085Roman Catholic Church an Italian pope distinguished for his spiritual and temporal leadership; a saint and Doctor of the Church 540?-604Gregory powder格列高利氏散,复方大…
近义词 Gregory the Great大贵格利Hildebrand希尔德布兰德男子名…

“Of course you lad to get on terms withGregory.” “Now we're like that.”“你当然得跟格雷戈里搞好关系。”“我们现在的关系是再好也没有的了。” As part of Tell Me More's special focus on the American family today, host Michel Martin speaks with biracial authors June Cross and Gregory Williams.
作为“告诉我更多”这一节目对于美国家庭特别关注的一部分,主持人米歇尔马丁与人种学学者朱恩.克罗斯和格雷戈里.威廉姆斯进行了谈话。 yeeyan

This is an important phase of his career, when with the help of Lady Augusta Gregory and John Synge, Yeats tries to establish an Irish national drama.
这是他人生中重要的时段,在奥古斯塔格雷戈里夫人,和约翰辛格的帮助下,叶芝尝试爱尔兰民族戏剧。 v.163.com

Wal-Mart's budget of$18 billion for capital expenditure in 2007 is far too high, says Gregory Melich, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, another American investment bank.
美国另一家投资银行摩根斯坦利 Morgan Stanley的分析师格雷戈里•梅利奇 Gregory Melich称,沃尔玛2007年180亿美元的资本支出预算委实过高。 ecocn




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