

单词 green space
释义 green spaceI短语⁵²⁶⁴⁹
Is there a correlation between happiness and open space or green space?
在幸福和空地或者绿地之间有没有联系? yeeyan

It’s nice that Montreal has such a large green space right in the heart of the city.
蒙特利尔在市中心有这样大片的绿地,真叫人心旷神怡。 yeeyan

Access to or living near an open green space or a swimming pool.
可以常去或者就住在开阔的绿地或游泳池附近。 kle100

However, past studies have shown that exposure to green space reduces stress, boosts health and makes us less vulnerable to depression.
但是过去的研究显示,多接触绿地可以减轻压力、增强体质、并能降低患抑郁症的风险。 putclub

Mr Murphy oversaw the development of more than25 miles of new trails alongside the river and urban green space.
莫非先生监督了超过25英里的河边小道以及城市绿地的建设。 ecocn

Or make time to circuit the nearest green space after work.
或者在工作之余去最近的绿地散散步。 yeeyan




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