释义 |
Greek character 基本例句 希腊字符 On their obverse side, the medals reflect theGreek characterof the Olympic Games: the goddess of victorypictured in the Panathinaikos Stadium.奖牌的正面,反映了奥林匹克运动会的希腊特色:希腊潘纳辛纳科竞技场体育场的胜利女神像。 Four years ago, in Athens, largely through the manner in which shambles lurked round every corner, a flavour of theGreek characterremained in evidence.他们渴望在家门口亲眼目睹地球上最为盛大的演出,即使这仅仅是正式演出前的一次彩排。 Since it contained parallel inscriptions in both Greek characters and Egyptian hieroglyphics, it provided a key to deciphering ancient Egyptian writing.由于它上面并列地刻着希腊字符和埃及象形文字,它为解读古代埃及文献提供了一把钥匙。 |