

单词 Great Rift
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Situated along the Great Rift Valley, Nyiragongo had a lava lake in its summit crater, which burst during the night in January1977.
尼拉贡戈火山沿着东非大裂谷矗立,在山顶火山口有一个熔岩湖,于1977年1月份的一个夜里喷发。 yeeyan

A desert region of northeast Ethiopia and northern Djibouti bordering on the Red Sea. It is part of the Great Rift Valley.
位于埃塞俄比亚东北部和吉布提共和国北部的一个沙漠地区,靠近红海,它是东非大裂谷的一个部分。 poptool

A lake in the Great Rift Valley of central Africa on the Zaire- Uganda border. It was discovered by Henry M. Stanley in 1889.
中非扎伊尔和乌干达交界处大裂谷里的一个湖泊。它在1889年由亨利. M。斯坦利发现。79cha

A lake in the Great Rift Valley of central Africa on the Zaire- Uganda border. It was discovered by Henry M. Stanley in889.
东非大裂谷中一湖泊,位于扎伊尔和乌干达交界处的中非地区。它在889年由亨利. M。斯坦利发现。 poptool

After breakfast, drive to Masai Mara via the Great Rift Valley to arrive at Maasai Mara in time for evening game drive.

At the time, New Jersey was home to a great rift valley full of volcanic-rock flows.
当时,新泽西州是充满火山熔岩流的大裂谷发源地。 ng.trends.com.cn

From the geothermal resources of the Great Rift Valley, to the potential hydropower of the Congo River, to wind and solar options, new projects are beginning to come online.
从大裂谷的地热资源到刚果河的水力发电潜能,从风能到太阳能,新项目正层出不穷。 kouyi

Large volcanic eruptions along the Great Rift formed this and other“ big craters, ” as well as the cinder cones at the bottom.
沿大裂谷形成的火山大爆发这个问题和其他“大弹坑,”以及在底部渣锥。 bugutang

Perhaps, through this sea of sand, our ancestors trekked from the Great Rift Valley and into our lives.
也许,我们的祖先从大裂谷出发,通过艰难跋涉,穿越这茫茫沙海才来到了世界各地。 blog.sina.com.cn

Roughly450 miles730 kilometers long and60 miles100 kilometers across at its broadest point, Luangwa is the tail end of Africa's Great Rift Valley.
赞比亚大约450英里730公里长,最宽处60英里100公里,境内的卢安瓜是非洲的东非大裂谷的尾端。 cnnas

The Great Rift Valley, from Eritrea to Mozambique, could produce7,000MW.
从厄立特里亚开始到莫桑比克为止的东非大裂谷就能产出七千兆万特的电能。 ecocn




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