

单词 Great Dane
释义 Great Dane 英ˌɡreɪt'deɪn美ˌɡreɪt'deɪn 短语⁶⁰⁹⁵⁵

very large powerful smooth-coated breed of dog用作名词Bob buys aGreat Daneand teaches it to use the bathroom in Bill's yard.鲍勃买了一只大丹狗并且教它再比利的花园里撒尿拉屎。 He's a lovable great dane who tries to cope with his family's move to California.
马默杜克是一只可爱的大丹狗,它正努力调适家人搬到加州的问题。 english-bbs

But people come to my house, and the first thing that greets them is a160 pound Great Dane.
但是要是有人来我家的话,第一个问候他们的就是一个160磅的大丹狗。 yeeyan

Claire de Lune, our silver and black mottled Great Dane, always accompanies me, a few paces ahead and slightly off to one side.
克莱尔,一条银色和黑色相间的大丹犬 Great Dane始终陪伴着我。它时而走我前面几十步开外,时而轻快地跑到我的一边。 yeeyan

The award goes to Allie, a Great Dane from Indiana. Her tail measures24 inches.
今年的得主是来自印第安纳州的大丹犬 Allie,她的尾巴长达24英寸。 yeeyan

The Great Dane from Tucson, Arizona stands3 feet,7 inches tall.
这只句型的丹麦狗住在亚利桑那的图桑,它身长3尺7英寸。 hjenglish




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