

单词 grays
释义 Gray·s 英ɡreɪ美ɡreɪ COCA³⁰⁷⁵⁴BNC⁴⁶⁹⁹¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a neutral achromatic color midway between white and blackclothing that is a grey color;

he was dressed in grey

any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are grey;

the Confederate army was a vast grey

horse of a light gray or whitish colorthe SI unit of energy absorbed from ionizing radiation; equal to the absorption of one joule of radiation energy by one kilogram of matter; one gray equals 100 radEnglish radiobiologist in whose honor the gray the SI unit of energy for the absorbed dose of radiation was named 1905-1965English poet best known for his elegy written in a country churchyard 1716-1771American navigator who twice circumnavigated the globe and who discovered the Columbia River 1755-1806United States botanist who specialized in North American flora and who was an early supporter of Darwin's theories of evolution 1810-1888
of an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the extremes of white and black;

the little grey cells

gray flannel suit

a man with greyish hair

showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair;

whose beard with age is hoar

nodded his hoary head

used to signify the Confederate forces in the American Civil War who wore grey uniforms;

a stalwart grey figure

intermediate in character or position;

a grey area between clearly legal and strictly illegal

make grey;

The painter decided to grey the sky

turn grey;

Her hair began to grey

gray matter灰质,灰白质…gray market灰市,半黑市…gray area灰区gray line灰线iron gray铁青gray scale灰度gray scaling灰度调整法gray antimony羽毛矿,辉锑矿砂…gray slag灰色矿渣,铅熔渣…gray cobalt辉砷钴矿steel gray稍带蓝色的灰色…gray hepatization医 灰色肝样变…gray fibers灰纤维gray selenium灰硒zinc gray锌灰漆gray tubercle灰色结核结节,灰结节…gray level灰度pearl gray珍珠色iron-grey铁灰色的gray-collar worker灰领工人
近义词 old老的dull呆滞的grim严厉的dark黑暗的grey灰色的hoar灰白的ashen灰色的hoary灰白的dingy肮脏的leaden沉重的gloomy阴暗的somber微暗的cloudy多云的greyness灰色grayness灰色overcast阴天的stormy暴风雨的greyish浅灰色的grayish浅灰色的steely钢铁一般的grey-headed 老的GY灰色的=gray…grizzly灰白色的gray-headed老年的grey-haired白发的funereal适合葬礼的white-haired白发的gray-haired白发苍苍的

用作形容词This monk wears agrayfrock.这个和尚穿着灰色的僧袍。
His hair becamegraywhen he was only forty.他刚刚四十岁时,头发就变得灰白了。用作名词He dressed ingray.他穿灰色衣服。
A horse and foal stand out against thegrayof the English moors.一匹野马和她的幼驹站在雾茫茫的英格兰荒野上。用作动词The sea had beenrough and the skiesgrayalmost all the way over.几乎一路上都是海浪汹涌,天空灰朦朦的。as in.obscure
同义词 belie,blind,block out,blur,camouflage,cloud,confuse,cover,cover up,darken,dim,disguise,eclipse,mask,misrepresent,muddy,overshadow,shroud,veiladumbrate,becloud,bedim,befog,blear,block,cloak,con,equivocate,falsify,fog,gray,haze,mist,murk,obfuscate,overcast,overcloud,pettifog,screen,shade,shadow,stonewall,wrapcloud the issue,double-talk,fuzz,gloom,muddy the waters,throw up smoke screen
反义词 brighten,clarify,clear,clear up,explain,lay out,lighten,reveal,uncover,unmask,openilluminate,looseas in.shade
同义词 blacken,conceal,darken,dim,mute,obscure,shieldadumbrate,cloud,cover,deepen,eclipse,gray,hide,overshadow,protect,screen,shadow,shelter,shutter,umbrage,veilbe overcast,cast a shadow,cloud over,cloud up,inumbrate,tone down
反义词 brighten,illuminate,lay bare,lighten,open,reveal,uncover,whiten,clear,explain,lay outas in.shadow
同义词 dim,obscure,overshadowadumbrate,becloud,bedim,cloud,darken,gray,haze,overcast,overcloud,overhang,screen,shade,shelter,shield,umbrage,veilcast a shadow,inumbrate
反义词 clear up,open,reveal,uncoverbrighten,lightenas in.darken
同义词 blacken,dim,eclipse,obscure,overshadowbecloud,bedim,deepen,fog,gray,haze,murk,obfuscate,overcast,shade,shadowcloud over,cloud up,make dim,tone down
反义词 lighten,clear upbrighten,illuminate,whiten As this fading economic superpower rapidly grays, it desperately needs to increase productivity and unleash the entrepreneurial energies of its shrinking number of younger people.
这个经济衰退中超级大国,人口正在迅速老龄化,日本急需提高生产力,释放那些数量越来越少的,年轻人的创业活力。 yeeyan

Christ Michael: These scientists, Anunnaki, and now your little grays, cannot create the Spirit of Life.
以及你们现在的小灰人,他们的科学家无法创造生命之灵。 blog.sina.com.cn

Exposure to a radiation dose of four grays will typically kill about half of all healthy adults.
一场有四戈瑞能量的辐射一般能杀死一半的健康成年人。 yeeyan

In other words, someone who knows how to find the grays of nature on their palette.
换句话说,就是知道如何在调色盘上调出大自然里的各种灰色的人。 yeeyan

It is impossible to say, for instance, how many green- grays there are;
要数出,比如灰绿,有多少种,是不可能的; yeeyan

The blues, grays and lavenders come from the geologically rapid formation of sediments when water covered the land over 200m years ago.
蓝、灰、紫等颜色来自形成于两亿年前大水覆盖地表时快速形成的地质构造沉积物; net

The setting of Ratatouille is Paris, a city of warm grays.

An achromatic scale ranging from black through a series of successively lighter grays to white.
一个无色的规模从黑色全面范围一系列连续轻灰色对白色。 szsixiang

Annie’s set was washed in grays and darker hues while my set was completely white- washed.
为 Annie搭建的影棚是水洗的灰色和深色调的,而我的是水洗白色的。 yeeyan

Dark grays for the suit and light blue for the shirt would look better, in my opinion.
我的观点是,深灰西装配合淡蓝色衬衫看上去会好些。 yeeyan

Do you prefer grays and blues?
你偏爱灰、蓝系列色彩吗? ebigear

He pointed south across the Yellowstone River valley to a tiny dot of willow and aspen that seemed to explode in brilliant yellows against the backdrop of prairie tans and grays.
他又指着黄石河谷的南边,那里隐约能看到柳树和山杨,就好像在一片灰褐色中绽出的一点亮黄。 yeeyan

I love mixing up different shades of white, cream and pale grays.
我喜欢把明暗不同的白色,奶油色和浅灰色混搭在一起。 yeeyan

In drab browns and grays on a blue background, it depicts a young blindfolded woman strumming on the last unbroken string of a harp, her ear to the instrument.
这幅画作有着单调的黄褐及灰蓝色背景,画中盲眼妇女手执竖琴,一边侧耳倾听,一边用最后几根未断的琴弦弹奏。 yeeyan

It is impossible to say, for instance, how many green- grays there are; there is an endless variety.
要数出,比如灰绿,有多少种,是不可能的;其种类无尽。 yeeyan




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