

单词 gravies
释义 gra·vy 英'ɡreɪvi美'ɡreɪvi COCA¹⁰²⁷⁵⁸BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺

the juice which comes out of meat as it cooks


the thickened liquid made from this with flour,etc.,added to serve with meat and vegetables

a sauce made by adding stock, flour, or other ingredients to the juice and fat that drips from cooking meatsthe seasoned but not thickened juices that drip from cooking meats; often a little water is addeda sudden happening that brings good fortune as a sudden opportunity to make money;

the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line

gravy train轻易发大财之工作…gravy boat调味汁瓶, 酱油壶…fish gravy鱼露gravy soup肉汤,肉汁ride the gravy train干不费力的活…get on the gravy train干不费劲的差事…dip in the gravy分肥揩公家的油…in the gravy发横财的
近义词 plus加boom繁荣sauce酱汁velvet天鹅绒bonanza富矿带godsend天赐之物windfall风吹落的果实…bunce意外的收获,赚来…gold rush淘金热
用作名词n.This gravy is too thin.肉汁太稀了。
The addition of flour will thicken gravy.加了面粉肉汁会变稠。
She flavoured the gravy with salt.她在肉卤里加盐调味。
用作名词Skim the fat off from thegravy.把肉汁表面的油脂撇去。
My wife likes creamgravy, but I prefer pangravy.我妻子喜欢加了奶油的肉汗,而我喜欢纯肉汁。
I made somegravysoup for my husband.我给我丈夫做了一些肉汤。
Scarlett sopped the wheat cake in thegravyand put it in her mouth.思嘉把烤饼放在肉汤里泡了泡,再拿起来吃。 The FDA approved film is a blend of low density polyethylene and nylon that will hold liquids, solids, sauces, gravies, and other samples having a high temperature.
这种由低密度聚乙烯制成的取样袋,经美国FDA批准可以用于存放液体,固体,调味汁,肉汁混合,以及其他具有高的温度的样品。 rayelab.com




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