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gras 基本例句 abbr.一般安全=Generally Recognized As Safe. Hallowtide had a little of the atmosphere of Carnival or Mardi Gras. 万圣季的气氛有一点像嘉年华或忏悔星期二的狂欢节。 yeeyan Hit up Mardi Gras in New Orleans. 参加新奥尔良的狂欢节。 yeeyan The two weeks before Mardi Gras are filled with parades, both day and night, climaxing on Mardi Gras with the Rex parade. “胖子星期二”在圣灰星期三之前,狂欢节到来前的两周充满了游行,不舍昼夜,狂欢节与雷克斯游行一起达到高潮。 yeeyan Alsace is a cultural hybrid with its Germanic dialect and French sense of fashion, its love of foie gras and fine wine, beer and sauerkraut. 阿尔萨斯是一种融合了日耳曼方言和法国时尚触觉的文化,热爱鹅肝和美酒、啤酒和德国泡菜。 yeeyan And one year, I went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. 有一年,我去新奥尔良参加狂欢节。 hjenglish FDA publishes in the Federal Register the first list of substances generally recognized as safe GRAS. The list contains nearly200 substances. FDA在《联邦公报》中发表《通常被认为是安全的物质》 GRAS的第一批清单。该清单收载近200种物质。 yeeyan Foie- gras production can be a form of abuse but is not necessarily so, for an enlarged liver can still be healthy. 鹅肝生产可以是滥用自然资源也可能不是,因为过度喂食得来的超大肝脏也可能是健康的。 yeeyan FOIE GRAS is one of the most controversial dishes on earth. 鹅肝,地球上最具争议的食物之一。 yeeyan Foie gras is from the liver of a force- fed duck or goose, a practice that animal protection groups say is cruel. 鹅肝是来自于那些被填鸭式喂养的鸭子或鹅身上获取的。 这种行则为被动物保护组织指称为残忍之行为。 yeeyan France produces about75% of the world's foie gras; other sources include the US and China. 法国大约生产了全球鹅肝的75%,其他来源包括美国和中国。 yeeyan I plan on spending the pre- Christmas season freeloading off French friends, eating their foie gras, and drinking their champagne. Just so long as it is they who buy. 我准备在圣诞节前在法国朋友们那蹭饭,吃他们的鹅肝,喝他们的香槟——只要是他们结帐就好。 yeeyan It is also called Mardi Gras City for the wild celebrations and parades that take place there every year. 每年这里都会举办狂欢的游行和庆祝活动,因此也被称为“肥美星期二之城”。 hjenglish It is fed on beer and grain and produces meat so tender and fatty that it rivals foie gras in texture. 它们是由啤酒和谷物喂养大的,这样长出的牛肉比较嫩,且有丰富脂肪,肉和脂肪的排列就像岩石纹理。 yeeyan My favourite job was probably as a bartender in Louisiana in the middle of Mardi Gras. I got to meet so many great people. 我最喜欢的,可能是在路易斯安那的狂欢节期间当酒吧招待,遇到那么多有意思的人。 yeeyan New Orleans is the focal point of Mardi Gras celebrations in the U.S. Read about the religious meanings of the Lenten Season. 其中,新奥尔良是美国狂欢节的焦点。 因此,我们要好好理解四旬斋的宗教含义。 hjenglish Nowadays, all genetically engineered foods on the market fit, according to the FDA, the category of“ generally regarded as safe” GRAS. 现今,所有在市场适合的基因设计的食物,根据粮食与药物管理局,类别“通常视为安全的” GRAS. yeeyan Second to caviar, foie gras is one of the finest western foods available. 鹅肝是西方最好的食物之一,仅次于鱼子酱。 yeeyan The affair has provoked a flurry of letters from those for and against foie gras. 此事激起了一连串来自鹅肝支持者和反对者的来信。 yeeyan The practice is banned in Germany, though the consumption of foie gras is not. 这种做法在德国被禁止,虽然消费鹅肝并不被禁止。 yeeyan This boisterous event features anything and everything Mardi Gras, including feathered banners, purple and green garland, and Mardi Gras masks. 这个狂热的节日以狂欢节的主题为特点,里面包括有羽毛旗和紫绿的花环,当然还少不了狂欢节面具。 hjenglish Two hundred years ago this month, the elite in New Orleans were making their usual preparations for Mardi Gras. 两百年前的这个月份,新奥尔良的上流社会正在像往常的一样准备着狂欢节。 yeeyan |