释义 |
Granny Liu 基本例句 刘姥姥 Granny Liuperched gingerly on the edgeof the kang.刘姥姥方扭扭捏捏在炕沿上坐了。 Granny Liuperched gingerly on the edge of the kang.刘姥姥方扭扭捏捏在炕沿上坐了 Then with boundless thanksGranny Liuleft by the back gate.“刘姥姥感谢不尽;仍从后门去了.;” Granny Liuat once lifted her grandson off the kang and led him into the hall.“刘姥姥会意,于是带了板儿下炕,至堂屋中,” Mrs. Zhou hurried out and seized this chance to tell her aboutGranny Liu.“周瑞家的忙出去答应了;趁便回了刘姥姥之事.;” The next dayGranny Liugot up before dawn to wash and comb her hair and to coach Baner.“次日天未明;刘姥姥便起来梳洗了;又将板儿教训了几句.;” |